Thursday 29 September 2011

Excuse Of The Century!

A hairdresser from Glanaman who was caught over the drink- drive limit has blamed her actions on her daughter's new haircut.
Well, 10 out of 10 for novelty value!
Alison Jayne Garland, 43, said her shock at the shorter style was "the straw that broke the camel's back". And this, along with an argument with her former partner, meant she had to get out of the house — despite having drunk four glasses of wine.
No problem with that, she could have taken the bus, though.


  1. XX Alison Jayne Garland, 43, said her shock at the shorter style was "the straw that broke the camel's back".XX

    Get over it arsehole, someone MAY have told you; "HAIR GROWS BACK. IT IS NOT A FUCKING TATTOO!"

    You would, of course THINK that a Hairdresser would kind of KNOW that....or?

  2. 4 glasses of wine and over the limit? Was she sloshing back the shiraz out of a dimpled pint glass with a handle or something?

  3. "Alison Jayne Garland, 43, said her shock at the shorter style was "the straw that broke the camel's back" ...

    Ahhh .. Yep, the "shorts" will do it, every time .. ;)

  4. Dear Aunty von Beeb, I would like to suggest a new show for you to consider. It would be a national annual TV Event and could be called 'Homework Ate My Dog'.

    Prizes of golden crutches to be awarded for the lamest ,weirdest or most teeth grinding-st mitigation offered in a court of law during the past 12 months.

    You could get some cheeky chappy from beyond the Watford Gap to host it or Jedwood...for the token ethnic.

  5. Ah, but a hairdresser's car (BMW 2 seater piddling thing with a soft top) would be a sure bet for a pull over!

    Just imagine the screeching too...

    And that's not just the brakes, or the tired cop either!

  6. "You would, of course THINK that a Hairdresser would kind of KNOW that....or?"


    "Dear Aunty von Beeb, I would like to suggest a new show for you to consider. It would be a national annual TV Event and could be called 'Homework Ate My Dog'."

    That'd be a smash hit! :)

    ""Free the Haircut 100!""


    "And that's not just the brakes, or the tired cop either!"

