Sunday 11 September 2011

I Think You'll Find There'll Be Fewer Delays...

....if you use a syringe, instead.


  1. *snork*!

    Who was it that said 'the Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name has turned into the The Love That Won't Fucking Shut Up?' ?

  2. The joke aside, how exactly is one to know whether or not they "use a condom"?

    I hope the answer isn't, "we will ask them". It is well recorded that people always pretend to be more moral or respectable than they really are, even in anonymous surveys. Back in the days when TV viewing figures were compiled by questionnaire, then switched to automatic monitoring, they famously found that people claiming to be watching worthy plays and documentaries were actually watching game shows and comedies.

    So, short of cameras in bedrooms, how are they going to know?

  3. SBC

    You. Rule.

  4. 'Behold, a pale horse, and its rider's name was death'

  5. SBC, so funny and so true , made me laugh.

  6. SBC duly wins the 'truest statement of the blogging week' award.


  7. Sorry guys, it wasn't my line.

    "Canadian author Robertson Davies wrote during the decade that "the love that dare not speak its name" (referencing the famous Lord Alfred Douglas quotation, also quoted by Oscar Wilde during his court case in 1895) "has become the love that won't shut up." "-wiki the font of all knowledge.

  8. I refuse to accept modesty as an excuse for pure genius, Shinar.

  9. When was the last time any of you (SBC, MTG, Ian B, JuliaM, 20 Rothmans etc.) had unprotected, penetrative sex? Don't want to tell some random commenter on the Internet? Why should the statement you give the person hooking you up at the blood bank be considered any more reliable?

  10. "When was the last time any of you penetrative sex?

    Sex? I seem to remember that word....hmmm


  11. Saturday morning. It was very safe on all counts.

  12. SBC - 'the Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name has turned into the The Love That Won't Fucking Shut Up?'

    I lol'd and lol'd and lol'd at that. Brilliant.

  13. In the UK, heterosexual sex accounts for around 45% of all diagnosed HIV infections. This is closely followed by sex between men, which accounts for around 44% of infections.

    Source: AVERT

    The above is a cumulative total of cases to date. Current infection rates show a marked increase in the heterosexual vector.

    Heterosexual sex accounted for 42 percent of HIV diagnoses in 2010 and sex between men accounted for 38.5 percent.

  14. Here in old Mexico, there is a panoply of rules about giving blood. For example:
    * No tattoos
    * No gays
    * No one who has ever had Hepatitis
    * No drug users (of any kind)
    * No excessive cholesterol or alcohol (yes - they do test beforehand)
    etc etc
    But this is still a very traditional culture with a strongly developed sense of social morality.

  15. Heterosexual sex accounted for 42 percent of HIV diagnoses in 2010 and sex between men accounted for 38.5 percent

    What are you trying to say? Unless you can say something about the respective size of populations for heterosexual and heterosexual men, infections in women and ... oh I give up. Utter, utter tripe

  16. "Who was it that said 'the Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name has turned into the The Love That Won't Fucking Shut Up?' ?"

    Oh, indeed. Ben Summerskill was whinging on Twitter yesterday that the 'Telegraph' did a piece on one of the heroes of 9/11 and 'failed to disclose his sexuality'.

    Who cares? Surely it's what he DID that was newsworthy, not what he WAS?

    "I hope the answer isn't, "we will ask them"."

    Yes. Yes, it is.

    " Why should the statement you give the person hooking you up at the blood bank be considered any more reliable?"

    It shouldn't. Yet it's what blood banks have operated on for years and years!

    "The above is a cumulative total of cases to date. Current infection rates show a marked increase in the heterosexual vector."

    That's interesting, because CiF have run several articles on how the gay scene has been 'forgetting safety because AIDS is no longer a death sentence'.

    This would seem to argue against it.
