Wednesday 14 September 2011

More Dog Days For Tory Councillors

A shamed councillor who was convicted of drink-driving and assaulting a police officer was in trouble with the law again the day after his court appearance when his “dangerous” dog bit a postman.
Good grief, what sort of Tory councillors are getting through the selection process these days?
Andrew Draper – who resigned from the Conservative group on Waveney District Council last week after his actions caused a political storm – was given “strong words of advice” by police following the incident near his home in Carlton Colville, near Lowestoft, on Wednesday, August 24.
And we wonder why we have a ‘dangerous dog’ problem?
A Suffolk police spokeswoman said: “Police received a call on the morning of Wednesday, August 24, reporting a man had been bitten by a boxer dog that was running loose in Martin Close in Carlton Colville.

“The bite had broken the skin on the man’s thigh.

The victim said he did not wish to take formal action against the owner of the dog but agreed to officers carrying out a community resolution – in this case giving strong words of advice to the owner to make sure the animal is kept under control.

“Officers have now recorded a crime of a dangerous dog causing injury in a public place and have spoken to the owner – a 37-year-old man – in connection with the incident.”
So when it gets loose again and tears the face off a toddler, the police will be able to say ‘Oh, well, we did give him strong words of advice’…


  1. You answered your own question Julia when you put that the victim didn't want to make a formal complaint.
    I expect incoming flak from your gang but if the victim won't press charges then we are stuck with his decision.

  2. It's all going on in Worlingham. Beccles plod must be fed up with being over there every five minutes.

    How interesting that when you have a dog which the owner fails to control they can chat it down to a community resolution, but put a doll up in a window and suddenly its an arrest.

    I know which one is capable of inflicting real injury.

  3. “The bite had broken the skin on the man’s thigh."

    Arrhh diddums. A small nick, a bit like picking a spot. Maybe we just need postmen with thicker skins... or, appropriately, chainmail leggings perhaps?

    "...agreed to officers carrying out a community resolution"

    What the hell is one of those? A NAZI style final solution? Nuking the entire site from orbit? Help me out here. In my day you'd get a summons and a small fine.

    “Officers have now recorded a crime of a dangerous dog causing injury in a public place"

    See, I'm lost again. Is it the public place that is wrong or the dangerous dog or the injury?

    No wonder the justice system is broken!

  4. "...but if the victim won't press charges then we are stuck with his decision."

    We've done away with that sort of thinking for domestic disputes; perhaps it's time to remove it for other offences?

    "It's all going on in Worlingham."

    Was it a black dog? We don't know. There could be more to this!

    "Maybe we just need postmen with thicker skins... or, appropriately, chainmail leggings perhaps?"

    Or pepper spray!
