Friday 16 September 2011

Nature Abhors A Vacuum....

...and it isn't too keen on gingers either:

He's really thinking 'Go in the water? After what happened to that penguin?!'


  1. Useful to know, thanks Jools. I didn't know that the pathogens that cause the horrific Gingeritus mutation could cross species.

    Our governments must invest more in researching this horrible condition and push through an act requiring the enforced sterilization of all scotch and irish/ people with the defective genes.

    Think of the Children of the future. It isn't right to bring such a mutant into the world.

  2. Let's hope the little fella has landed on his flippers...

  3. Ginger seals have no souls. This one appears to be a Daywalker, which is even more evil.

  4. Nope, that's cats you're thinking of. Can't stand vacuums and tend to hide under the bed as soon as they hear one. As for the gingers, when sperm banks are turning down ginger sperm something must be up.

  5. We ran over one of these once with our Land Rover while on a seal clubbing expedition.

    We shovelled up the corpse and sent it to Caroline Lucas MP So let me know if you see her wearing a ginger hat around Brighton?

  6. "Let's hope the little fella has landed on his flippers..."

    Well, captivity is the only hope, since those creepy blue eyes don't work very well.

    "Nope, that's cats you're thinking of. "


    "So let me know if you see her wearing a ginger hat around Brighton?"


  7. @John Pickworth

    I daresay Lucas is using it as a merkin.

  8. @Angry Exile: I saw that, I was going to do a blog post entitled 'Redheads; now not worth a wank' but thought better of it
