Wednesday 26 October 2011

At Last, A Crime Even The ‘Guardian’ Couldn’t Blame on The Jews!

Though I expect someone, somewhere is trying
A man hid four wraps of illegal drugs under his foreskin, magistrates have heard.

So, how was he found out?
Police, acting on tip off
*stifled giggle*


  1. Apart from putting you forward for an award for that headline, what I loved most about that link was the picture editor obviously struggling with how to illustrate the item.

  2. Gives a horrible new meaning to 'rolling up' a joint'.

    *not so stifled snork*

  3. Smack 'n' Cheese ...


  4. Never mind *stifled giggle* ...


    So many knob gags, so little time.

  5. That's mega-ingenious.

  6. Actually he was carrying them in a magic wallet made out of foreskins.

    "How was it magic?" the audience shouts.

    "Because when you rubbed it, it turned into a suitcase."

  7. *waits for the Captain's comments on this episode of "skining up"*

  8. Following your recent 'No more MONA' post.
    More attacks in a Northern park - increasingly regarded as no-go areas for whites...
    White man subjected to race attack by gang of yobs
    Andrew Goodram, 31, suffered a punctured lung and two broken ribs after the gang of four yobs shouted: "white bastard" at him before subjecting him to a vicious assault.

  9. Fabulous post Julia ..

    Having been exiled in Lincolnshire for the last 8 years, I can see that I'm gonna have to revise my opinion that "Yellowbellies" have no sense of humour .. ;)

    I wonder if he was also a Magician ..

    As in ..

    "The village magician, he was there
    Doing his favourite trick
    Pulling his foreskin over his head
    And yodelling up his p***k"

  10. "Having been exiled in Lincolnshire for the last 8 years, "

    Dear God man, that's almost a, modern day, life sentence! Why don't you move back to England? Leave it much longer and you'll go all 'native' and 'northern'.

  11. "Leave it much longer and you'll go all 'native' and 'northern' " ...

    Nay lad, I am Northern .. I'm a Yorkshireman doing missionary work .. ;)

  12. Clearly a big drawback here.

  13. Richard (at work)26 October 2011 at 23:44

    Good thing the policeman gave him a tug, then.

  14. Richard (at work)26 October 2011 at 23:46

    Capt Haddock - same here. I did five years in North Lincs, before 'escaping' to Wales. A frying pan/fire scenario, I think.

  15. "...what I loved most about that link was the picture editor obviously struggling with how to illustrate the item."

    When in doubt, reach for the stock images in the file marked 'justice'...

    "So many knob gags, so little time."


    ""Because when you rubbed it, it turned into a suitcase.""


    "More attacks in a Northern park.."

    I suspect there are more that never even make the papers...
