Tuesday 18 October 2011

Awwww, Diddums!

A graduate who avoided jail after handing herself in for stealing a television during the London riots said today her life had been made "hell".
By…some unknown third party, presumably. Couldn’t possibly have been her own actions, dear me no.
Her mother, Pamela, said she now wanted to try to get on with her life. "All she wants is to forget it and put it all behind her," she said.
Yes, so would I, I suppose, if I’d committed a crime.

That’s probably why I don’t…


  1. I'd love to hear the comments of the shop owners from which the TV was nicked. I'd bet they'd like to give her a little bit of hell too.

    Stupid, selfish bitch.

  2. Sadly the comments included some predictable-as-dirt allegations that criticism of this graduate is motivated by her status as a person of colour. Don't they ever get bored listening to themselves?

  3. Natasha Reid. Sounds like a solid Engli....oh, hang on.

  4. SYMPATY: Commonly found in Dictionaries .. usually somewhere between SHIT and SYPHILIS ..

    And that's where I suggest that the thieving little scrote starts her search ..

  5. Like Python's "Let's not argue over who killed whom, this is meant to be a happy occasion."

  6. She's got a damn good case for wandering over and having a chat with the loons in Strasbourg - the beastly police had the audacity to stop her!

    On a vaguely OT thing - had the misfortune to watch Notinghamsphire police's ACC and fer fer..FFS - if that lad could make a cup of tea i'd congratulate him. Thick as 2 short planks? That's rude to planks; gadzooks the man was depriving a village of an idiot, a picnic of a sandwich! We get the police we deserve? Must have definately done something wrong in Nottingham nick; scarily useless. Unbelievable.

  7. "Don't they ever get bored listening to themselves?"

    From all the available evidence, it appears the answer's 'no'...

    "We get the police we deserve? Must have definately done something wrong in Nottingham nick; scarily useless. "

    I'll have to look him up...

  8. Tracksuit of shame19 October 2011 at 12:03

    it's unclear to me what she is a graduate of.

    Did she graduate from the School of Hard Knocks? The University of Life? Wimmin's Black Gender Studies? Philosophy of Pinching Free Tellies? Has she got a BBB* after her name?

    Whatever, give the TV back, don't go in McDonalds so much, stop thinking you are badly done to just because you were caught.

    (*Bitter Tears Before Bedtime)
