Wednesday 19 October 2011

An Everyday Story Of Lincoln Folk…

A mum-of-three headbutted a woman and minutes later sent her a threatening message, Lincoln Magistrates' Court heard.
Shelly Hubbard, 27, of Halton Close, Lincoln, carried out the assault after seeing the victim, who had previously dated Hubbard's sister's boyfriend, in Wahoo bar in Silver Street, Lincoln.
This is, I think, one of those stories I might need to draw a diagram to follow…
Defence solicitor Bill Miller said: "She accepts that she headbutted the complainant after being slapped by her. She accepts that her reaction was over the top and she is ashamed by her behaviour and offers her apologies to the victim."
Well, of course she does, She’s in the dock!
Magistrate Geoffrey Gowland said: "You're well aware by now the seriousness of assault and the court deems them most seriously.

"Quite a lot of them go to custody. You have got three children and you have got to think what the consequences would be if you go to custody. You have got to stop letting your feelings get away from you.

"You need to think twice before you act as another appearance in court might not be so lenient."
Oh, magistrate, you tease! Of course it’ll be as lenient…
She was sentenced to a 12-month community order with a 12-month supervision order attached and ordered to attend a ten-day drink awareness course.

She was also given a curfew order for three months, banning her from going out on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday night, and ordered to pay £150 compensation.
And if the name and/or picture sounds familiar, well…
A boy aged two has become the youngest Briton ever to be threatened with an Asbo.

Lennon Poyser received the warning along with his sisters Olivia, five, and four-year-old Megan, after neighbours complained about their behaviour.

The three tiny tearaways have been accused of verbally abusing adult residents and damaging property.

But mother Shelly Hubbard, 24, claims her children are physically incapable of the crimes they have been accused of.
Mrs Hubbard, of Lincoln, said: 'I couldn't believe what I was hearing. They were accusing my tiny son of being an instigator of anti-social behaviour. It's ridiculous.

'When he's out playing in the park he's preoccupied with his sister's push chair and children's book In the Night Garden. He's the furthest you get from a hell-raiser.

'He does kick a football but it's tiny and plastic and blows back to him in the wind. The very notion of him being able to kick a proper football over a 7ft fence is laughable.'
As is the very notion that he can expect his mother to be a good role model…


  1. Very demoralising for a Police Officer to go to a yob/yobette's address to sort out antisocial behaviour and find an assortment of rugrats and toddlers that are guaranteed to keep the criminal justice system busy for the next 20years...

  2. Just give 'em a Criminal Record number at the same time as NHS Card & Birth Certificate are issued .. save time & cut out the middleman ..

  3. "Very demoralising for a Police Officer to go to a yob/yobette's address to sort out antisocial behaviour and find an assortment of rugrats and toddlers..."

    It does seem to be a depressing feature of far, far too many of these stories.

    "Just give 'em a Criminal Record number at the same time as NHS Card & Birth Certificate are issued..."


  4. Oh dear it seems the letter about the kid was sent to the wrong address.

    Just give it a few years it will be the right address!!

  5. After meeting her children I can guarantee it was a mistake considering she is lovely as are her children. Age two? Two year olds can barely talk! Think before you judge.
