Tuesday 18 October 2011

Expansion Of The Term ‘Hate Crime’ To Utter Meaninglessness…

…which I suppose I should welcome:
Campaigner Sylvia Lancaster, whose daughter Sophie was killed for the way she looked, said the incident should be classed as a hate crime.

Harley’s dad Alan, of Moor Lane, Darwen, said: “Harley had being doing some homework over lunch and was walking on his own when this gang targeted him.

They picked on him simply because of the way he looked. ”
Newsflash; it doesn’t matter why they picked on him. Beating someone up is the crime, not their ‘reason’ for doing so.
Police confirmed that the college CCTV camera which covered the incident was not working, but said they had other CCTV in the area which was forming part of their inquiries.

They are not classing the incident as a hate crime.
Really? Strange. Because…
The three men are described as Asian and aged between 16 and 19 years old.
Anyone suspect if it’d been the other way around it would indeed be treated as such?


  1. There's a bit of Entitlement Poker at work here. But, obviously, the Religion of Peace easily trumps mere Goths.

  2. " .. the Religion of Peace easily trumps mere Goths" ...

    The Religion of Peace trumps everything .. for the moment

  3. I thought any incident that the victim considered a hate crime was de facto a hate crime? And as the victim is dead the family would get to make the call?

    I also assume that if a gang of white thugs murdered an Asian lad and the victims family called it a hate crime the Police would fall over themselves in the rush to agree.

  4. The whole point is that it is very difficult indeed to be the victim of a 'hate crime' if you are not from one (or more) of the pre-approved sub-groups: gay, muslim,disabled, ocelot; whatever. Or, to put it another way, Whitey can't play the race card.

    The atomisation of society: working as designed.

  5. ...the Police would fall over themselves in the rush to agree

    Quite so. Anything deemed "hateful" gets a quite disproportionate amount of police attention.

    Domestic violence is another such "hateful" thing (when it's a man inflicting it on a woman) which gives us today's IPCC report on the death of Casey Brittle in which Notts police are castigated.

    "No consideration was given to why Casey was reporting domestic abuse but then subsequently saying that she did not want police help", says the IPCC commissioner.

    The hatefulness quotient of domestic violence trumps the woman's responsibility to look after herself and move out, or to substantiate her complaints to the police or the police officers' natural and common sense response which is to shrug their shoulders and move on to the next job.

  6. If I repeatedly stabbed a piece of Black Pudding .. would I get nicked for "hate" crime ?

    'Cos I absolutely hate Black Pudding .. foul muck !

  7. The Religion of Peace will soon be renamed the Religion of Piss-taking.

    But I can see the parents of the dead non-RoP member want justice, and it would be nice to give them the satisfaction of the state (albeit reluctantly) finally acknowledging that their child was murdered by a bunch of demented lunatics masquerading as 'British' and whose sole aim is to drag the non-Muslim world back 1400 years.

    And even then they won't be happy.

  8. It should be pointed out that the victim in this attack was not actually killed, only beaten up and left with a fractured jaw. That's not good, but nobody's dead.

  9. Anyone notice that yesterday a Glaswegian got eight months for winding up Celtic fans on Facebook? Hate crime, of course - indeed, an open-and-shut case, given that he'd actually used the h-word.

    Eight months! Care to estimate how many cases of actual violence failing to result in any custodial sentence at all you've featured here, Julia?

  10. Sentence them to a life of hard labour - mucking out pigs.

  11. "Sentence them to a life of hard labour - mucking out pigs" ...

    Can't agree with you on that one Lynne ..

    What have pigs ever done to warrant such an "unusual & cruel punishment" ?

    Pigs have "rights" too, y'know .. ;)

  12. "The Religion of Peace trumps everything .. for the moment"

    Sadly true.

    "The atomisation of society: working as designed."

    Also sadly true!

    "Domestic violence is another such "hateful" thing (when it's a man inflicting it on a woman) which gives us today's IPCC report on the death of Casey Brittle in which Notts police are castigated."

    Yes, I saw that. I really can't see just what the police are supposed to do in these circumstances...

    "Eight months! Care to estimate how many cases of actual violence failing to result in any custodial sentence at all you've featured here, Julia?"

    Comparatively few!
