Wednesday 26 October 2011

”It was something I needed to do and I did it…”

A pregnant Carmarthen woman, suffering from stress, took a rolling pin to the town's police station and smashed up a police vehicle with it, a court heard.
Did she have a problem with the cops?

Well, no, it seems not:
When interviewed Havard fully admitted the offence.

She told officers she was at home and, due to a build-up of frustration, she grabbed a rolling pin and went to the police station. She didn't want to damage any other person's vehicle, she said.

"It was something I needed to do and I did it," she added.
Defending Kate Williams said: "This is a very unusual and a very sad case."

She added: "It is totally out of character."

She said single mother Havard was five months pregnant with her second child at the time of the offence.

"She was struggling to cope with the pregnancy and suffering quite extreme hormonal fluctuations. She was in the house and everything got on top of her. Why she dealt with it in this particular way she cannot tell."

Ms Williams said Havard, described as "an intelligent and articulate young lady" was now receiving help from her midwives.
Wouldn’t the mental health authorities be a better bet? There must be some deep-seated issues with the police to make her so hell-bent on targeting them…


  1. "There must be some deep-seated issues with the police to make her so hell-bent on targeting them" …

    Is she related to Melvin, I wonder ? .. ;)

  2. So there wasn't a nearer target then? Like belting the crap out of a pillow or plastic bucket or something?

  3. Is she related to Melvin, I wonder ? .. ;)


  4. While it is, thankfully, very rare Post Partum Psychosis can also occur PRE partum.

    And this sounds like it might a case of it or something similar.

    As someone whose own dear wife's descend into a Section 3 and electroshock therapy started with a post partum psychosis, i always make a point of informing any young fathers to be of the signs to know it by and that they should never never never just chalk it up to 'baby blues'.

  5. Makes me wish I was pregnant...

  6. "Is she related to Melvin, I wonder ?"


    "So there wasn't a nearer target then? Like belting the crap out of a pillow or plastic bucket or something?"

    Well, precisely! She made the journey to specifically attack a police car. Something odd there.

    "While it is, thankfully, very rare Post Partum Psychosis can also occur PRE partum."

    I have to admit, that was my first thought too.

    "Makes me wish I was pregnant..."


  7. She didn't want to damage any other person's vehicle, she said.

    You see Police cars don't belong to people, they belong to 'the state' so 'the state' has to pay to have it fixed.

    Not a hard working tax payer ..... oh wait
