Thursday 27 October 2011

Like Lions, The Underclass Now Leaves Hunting To The Female…

...while the male waits on the sidelines to grab his share:
A pair of teenage girls attacked a woman in the city centre, allowing a male accomplice to steal her handbag.
Just lovely, eh?
Bright, of Lawford Street, Old Market, and the other girl ran up behind Ms Toms and pulled her to the ground, grabbing her hair. The male then joined in, punched her in the face and ran off with her handbag.

The robbers ran up Union Street and into The Galleries shopping centre.
And how were they caught?
Avon and Somerset Police linked Bright to the crime when they arrested her for shoplifting and she had Ms Toms' driving licence on her.

Of course, this is no first offence. It never is, is it?
Both girls had previous convictions. Bright's included battery, intimidation and shop theft.

The 15-year-old had a previous conviction for robbery, the same battery and intimidation conviction and assault occasioning actual bodily harm.
And also the same lack of serious punishment, I presume?

Certainly, the same old excuses:
Mitigating for both defendants, Catherine Spedding said both had difficult family backgrounds.
She explained how the 15-year-old had "stepped into the shoes" of her older sister, who is serving a long prison sentence for a very serious crime.
So, it’s more of a family business?
But she told Judge Michael Longman the teenager was maturing and determined to spend more time in school to get good qualifications.

"She's clearly a tormented soul," she added.
And she’s sharing that ‘torment’, one mugging at a time…
Judge Longman deferred Bright's sentence so that she could continue to make progress with her behaviour before he hands out her punishment.

He said: "This was a vicious and cowardly attack. It's an enormous effect to inflict on somebody, quite apart from the loss of their property."

On the 15-year-old, he imposed a one-year youth rehabilitation order, including supervision and a 90-day curfew, from 7pm to 7am.
Our justice system is broken. Utterly.


  1. "Avon and Somerset Police linked Bright to the crime when they arrested her for shoplifting and she had Ms Toms' driving licence on her" ...

    Bright by name .. but obviously, not by nature ...

  2. High heels for low lifes27 October 2011 at 17:11

    "the 15-year-old had "stepped into the shoes" of her older sister, who is serving a long prison sentence"

    That would be the Holloway style, would it?

  3. It's the inevitable result of the Pussy Pass.

  4. "Bright by name .. but obviously, not by nature ..."

    Well, they say the police mostly catch the dim ones...

    "It's the inevitable result of the Pussy Pass."

    :D Indeed!
