Sunday 30 October 2011

Quote Of The Month

...comes from Leg-Iron, on the UKBA border controls for ostensibly 'offensive' weapons:
Stun guns are not legal in the UK. Unless you are a State employee. Just as farmers, but not cows, are allowed to have cattle prods.


  1. Civilians have access to all manner of vile weapons and I count myself extremely fortunate to live in a Town where PCSO's have taken a tough line with blades on the street. A blitz on offensive hedge cutters was recently launched with free issues of community friendly implements.

    Arguably more time consuming to cut my hedge with the plastic knife and fork set, I am in awe of this safety initiative for persons other than State employees.

    (Has déjà vu moment.)

  2. Paul in Nottingham30 October 2011 at 22:55

    I work at a school. can I have a legal stun gun please?

  3. That must be one tough school! Mind you, I've often thought they'd improve the filming of 'Educating Essex' considerably...


    Todays comment from him is worth the reading. The man does have way with words.
