Thursday 20 October 2011

Sex, Lies And…Videotape?

A 20-year-old woman has been jailed today for two years after falsely claiming that she had been raped.
Yes, I know she’ll only serve half that, but it’s better than the usual ‘punishment’…
Horrocks, who was 19 at the time, who had no previous convictions, only admitted perverting the course of justice last month.

Horrocks underwent a full medical examination and over several days was video interviewed by trained officers, and gave a lengthy and detailed account of her ordeal, all of which proved to be false.
Bill her for the wasted time then!

How did they reach the conclusion that she was lying? Well….
Mr Flynn, who is from Rochdale, presented videotapes of him having sex with Horrocks to police to prove that sex between the pair had been consensual.

So, he claimed to be ‘embarrassed’ about being accused of rape, but had no problems videoing himself in the act…

He doesn’t really come out of this too well himself, does he?

Mitigation’ll be good…
Kathryn Pierpoint, defending, said her client was 'very remorseful' for her actions and now wished to apologise directly to Mr Flynn.

She now understood the gravity of her conduct but had been a 'very immature young woman' at the time of the offence.
Well, of course!
Miss Pierpoint said that Horrocks had come from a troubled background, moving around the country before returning to Burnley, and had made efforts to secure qualifications with little or no family support.
Which seemed to incite the lone commenter at the time of writing:
Cfoster93 says...

This is a load of sick lies! You people disgust me. You just twist the story to make it sound as bad as possible. As for 'with little or no family support' did you even research this or just put it because you thought it sounded good?!
Well, it already sounds pretty bad, but not – I suggest – because the paper has needed to ‘twist’ any of the salient details.

As for the veracity of the defence claim, I rather think that’s up to the courts to verify, not the newspaper…

Meanwhile, over at Angry Exile’s, it seems the Aussie sheilas have been holding their end up in the fake rape claim stakes too…

H/T: Bucko & Curmudgeon via email


  1. More and more guys are learning to video either the consent part of the act or the entire thing to protect themselves from exactly this kind of thing.

    While I'd never normally show a video like that, if my choices were facing a prison sentence or dragging out the video, I'd drag the video out in a heartbeat.

    While I disagree with a lot of the rubbish posted on, I do believe that more guys are doing things that would normally be seen as creepy, but they feel they don't have a choice. You cannot trust that your tryst today won't try and truss you tomorrow.

  2. She was 19 and he was 59?! OF COURSE he was going to video tape it! She's as ugly as sin but hell, that's one for those long dark winter evenings in the nursing home.

    The really interesting thing about this case is -did he use betamax or vhs?

    dear god,I am sad lonely old man..

  3. It's the 59-yo videoing his sex act with the 19-yo woman that really gets me about this case. Though, as pointed out, very likely it is a kind of cover-your-arse tactic (as it were).

    But if that kind of thing is routine, we do live in a very strange kind of society nowadays :-(

    WV = "meplea"

  4. The man from Rochdale suspected that he and the ex-boyfriend were both being lied to.

    Gosh. Such duplicity. I can hardly credit it. Besides, which of us has not picked up a teenager young enough to be our grandson and got him to consent to being manacled and videoed in an S/M film that the whole of one's Dail Mail Coffee Morning can enjoy.

  5. "More and more guys are learning to video either the consent part of the act or the entire thing to protect themselves from exactly this kind of thing."

    Ahhh, romance isn't dead, then..? ;) As Curmudgeon points out, we live in a very strange society now.

    "She was 19 and he was 59?! OF COURSE he was going to video tape it! "


    "Besides, which of us has not picked up a teenager young enough to be our grandson and got him to consent to being manacled and videoed in an S/M film that the whole of one's Dail Mail Coffee Morning can enjoy."

    Sadly, they all prove far too fast for me... ;)
