Monday 17 October 2011

What’s The Penalty For Assault, Possessing Drugs And Knife-Carrying..?

Well, read on:
At Truro Magistrates' Court Wyllie, 18, of no fixed address, and said to be sofa surfing in Penzance, pleaded guilty to assaulting Angela Williams, possessing cannabis and having a Stanley knife in a public place.
Sooooo, mitigation?
Paul Gallagher, for Wyllie, said her actions had been retaliation for being pinned up against a wall.
She had the knife for comfort as she had recently been assaulted by a drunken man.
It seemed to work:
Wyllie was sent to an attendance centre for 36 hours.
That’s a new one on me. It’ll be 100 lines next…


  1. "That’s a new one on me. It’ll be 100 lines next…"

    They tried that one but had to give it up because it hurt the feelings of the state educated criminals who were made to look bad by those criminals with a private education who could actually read and write.

  2. 'This is Cornwall' is a new site to me (I lived in Cornwall for many years but left before the internet got going).

    Looking at their news links, I'm not sure the title was such a good idea. I can't decide whether the phrase implies exoneration, resignation or just a hopeless shrug...

    •Ex-soldier, 25, is jailed for assault (This is Cornwall)

    •Gang steals thousands from car park machines (This is Cornwall)

    •No lights led to drive ban (This is Cornwall)

    •Ex-bank clerk denies £46k theft (This is Cornwall)

    ...but the Cornish Tourist board must be tearing their hair out.

  3. "She had the knife for comfort"

    Well given the shape and form of a stanley knife I suppose I can see where she's coming from but personally I'd have thought a Rampant Rabbit would still be the better choice.

    But, being male and all, what would I know?

    Seriously though, COMFORT?! Not 'protection' or 'security' but 'comfort'? Would not a teddy or a bar of Galaxy....?

  4. This knife is my comfort and friend, and I also trim lino for a small fee, sharpen pencils and prune roses.

    I am here to help the community.

  5. "They tried that one but had to give it up because it hurt the feelings of the state educated criminals ..."


    "I can't decide whether the phrase implies exoneration, resignation or just a hopeless shrug..."

    I suspect the latter. There's a whole host of these newssites - 'This Is Essex' is much the same, just even more hopeless... ;)

    "Seriously though, COMFORT?! Not 'protection' or 'security' but 'comfort'?"

    Mindboggling, isn't it?
