Monday 24 October 2011

You’d Be Better Off Getting Hannibal Lecter To Babysit…

A babysitter bit, scratched, gouged, burned and throttled a three-year-old boy because he would not stop crying.
If you think that’s rather unusual for a licensed babysitter or even a friend of the family helping out, well, don’t worry. We are deep into underclass territory with this one.
The boy, who is from Chelmsford, is now four and under the care of social services, but he cannot be named for legal reasons.

In February this year, his mother left him with Victory, who drank vodka and beer and smoked cannabis regularly for the four weeks the boy stayed with her.
Yes, four weeks. That’s stretching the term ‘babysitting’ into something the term was surely never intended to encompass…

Victory’s unsuitability to be in charge of a child should have been obvious to anyone who wasn’t….well, just like her, so it’s not too surprising that the SS have taken the child:
When she called 999 on February 28, she told the emergency services her own daughter had been playing a game with the boy that involved a scarf being tied around his neck.

"This defendant later, after she had told many lies, admitted that she had strangled him that night and had worried that she might have killed him, but the paramedics saw many other injuries as well," said Mr Jackson.

"She was interviewed extensively under caution. She began by explaining the injuries as a mixture of accident and laying the blame at the door of her own daughter, but after some time under interview she decided to start telling the truth.

"She told police that one night after the boy had soiled himself, 'I dragged him into the bedroom and asked why he hadn't asked to go to the toilet.

"'He spat his drink everywhere and I just went into a frenzy'."
Depressing reading…

I wonder if the SS have also taken her daughter? I would really, really hope so.
Judge Anthony Goldstaub QC will decide how long to jail Victory for next month.
Would life be too much to hope for?


  1. And her brother is no less a member of the underclass:

  2. The police were still looking for Glenn Victory and Terry Jacobs as of 31/8/11

    So I don't think the ban helped much.

  3. Not so sure that "underclass" adequately describes such people ..

    Untermensch is far more appropriate ..

  4. Ancient + Tattered Airman24 October 2011 at 22:36

    A nationwide cull is called for.

  5. Ancient + Tattered Airman24 October 2011 at 22:36

    A nationwide cull is called for.

  6. "And her brother is no less a member of the underclass.."

    Gah! Scumbaggery is clearly the family business!

    "A nationwide cull is called for."

    Sadly, thanks to the welfare state, they're outbreeding the rest of us.
