Friday 18 November 2011

Just What Do You Have To Do To Get Sent To Jail These Days?

Because, clearly, high-profile robbery isn’t it:
A teenager who stole thousands of pounds' worth of the latest Apple devices including laptops and iPads in a smash-and-grab raid in Covent Garden has been spared jail.
The 16-year-old was one of 12 youths on motorbikes who smashed their way into the firm's flagship store at 1am last month.
The boy, who was supported at Highbury Corner youth court by his mother and sister (Ed: no father? How surprising...), was stopped by police shortly after the raid near an abandoned moped in St John Street in Islington with items stolen from the store in his bag.
But hey, getting caught red-handed doesn't seem to matter...
Sentencing the boy to a youth rehabilitation order with intensive supervision for 12 months and a curfew for three months, bench chairman Paul Brennells said: "This was a very serious offence. We are not going to send you into custody, but you still run the risk of that if you do not behave yourself."
But not a very big risk, eh?


  1. According to Rod Liddle in the Spectator, you can get 18 months for throwing a paper cup at a policeman. It helps if, previous to this world-shattering criminality, you've been acquitted (in a fair trial) of a notorious (ie racist) murder.

  2. Yup, that - and the Blatter comment - was right on the money!

  3. You might put such out-of-character escapades down to high spirits of youth. Well, you could if you were a totally inept magistrate on a bit of snorting high yourself.

  4. And Rod Liddle and the Spectator are going to be dragged over the coals for commenting on a case that is Sub-Judice

  5. A very serious offence, young man.

    Just how serious? See how I am frowning? That's how serious I am. Next I will be wagging my finger. If I keep frowning and finger-wagging I will get a headache and my hand will hurt.

    Now go away before I have to take an aspirin.

  6. Umbongo -

    He's a trier but not much heard from him since his last attempt got kicked into touch in 2010

  7. "And Rod Liddle and the Spectator are going to be dragged over the coals for commenting on a case that is Sub-Judice"

    They probably are, yes. That doesn't make what he said incorrect, however.

    "He's a trier but not much heard from him since his last attempt got kicked into touch in 2010"

    Hmmm, 'praised by ex-London Mayor Ken Livingstone', eh..?
