Saturday 26 November 2011

Move On, Move On, Nothing To See Here….

A woman who claimed to have been raped on Colchester's Middlewick Ranges yesterday has withdrawn her allegation.
Two men, including an 18-year-old from Colchester, were arrested but then released without charge after the woman admitted the sex was consensual.
Just two men whose details and DNA are now stored on the police database, and a lying bitch who will never, ever see any punishment for it…


  1. The most egregious kind of false rape claim, one that'll actually get someone arrested. I hope you're wrong about her not seeing any punishment because I thought lying to get someone nicked was considered perverting the course of justice.

  2. The most she is likely to be charged with is wasting police time and CPS rarely bother with that. Personally, I'd bring back burning at the stake for witches like her.....

  3. If the truth came out on the state of the vast majority of victims churning through sexual assault centres I doubt we'd ever see a conviction.

  4. "The most egregious kind of false rape claim, one that'll actually get someone arrested."


    "If the truth came out on the state of the vast majority of victims churning through sexual assault centres I doubt we'd ever see a conviction."

    That's a pretty horrible thought.

  5. Aren't they supposed to destroy all DNA etc if no conviction?

  6. @budvar

    Nope - they get to hold it tied to your identity for 6 years. The arrest also stays on your record and will show up on all ECRB checks, destroying any chance you have at working in a field with young or vulnerable people.

    A simple arrest in England is enough to destroy your life.
