Thursday 24 November 2011

The Paper Says ‘Drama’, I Say ‘Attempted Murder’…

The drama unfolded on Saturday, September 3 as Mr Hussini and a friend were locking up Sunnyhill Off Licence, in Sunnyhill Avenue, at 10.15pm.

Sarah Allen, prosecuting, told Derby Crown Court a gang of around 15 youths was hanging around outside.

She said: "One customer left the shop and threats were made to him. One of the group had a six-inch kitchen knife. He [the customer] ran off and phoned the police."

Miss Allen said Mr Hussini's friend went outside to his car to see it "covered in saliva" and confronted the gang, who then attacked him with sticks.

She said: "Mr Hussini came out to help and the pair ran back into the shop and pulled down the shutters, grabbing two sticks from the gang.

"They then decided to make a run for it back to the car and were surrounded and attacked.

"Mr Hussini was punched by two of them, who then held him back while the defendant leant forward and stabbed him in the stomach."
Yes, you heard that right – they held him while this little savage stabbed him in the stomach. Is that not attempted murder?
The boy handed himself in to police the following day and pleaded guilty in court to wounding with intent and possessing an offensive weapon.

Sentencing the youngster to a two-year detention and training order, Judge Hamilton said: "But for the fact that there was a surgeon living nearby, the man you stabbed would have died."
A two-year detention and training order. For stabbing someone in the stomach

This country is doomed.


  1. No, I'd say two years and training is about right if recidivist burglars are being ordered to write letters detailing how much of a shit they don't give. Oh, or maybe they could both be too lenient?

  2. That does seem a bit lenient. But why didn't Mr H just dive back in the shop and lock himself in?

  3. What the hell are the CPS on?! And where can i get a bottle?

    Seriously...'Intent' not even GBH?!?!? He got an amazing plea deal.

  4. Interesting part of the report where the judge suggested the young lad was taking the rap to protect someone above the age of criminal responsibility. That might be part of the reason for leniency.

  5. Getting difficult - only so much jail space available. No transportation. Hmmmm.

  6. "A two-year detention and training order" ...

    In basic Bayonet fighting skills, I presume ?

  7. Perhaps the young rascal could write a letter to Mr Hussani telling him it was his fault for being in front of the knife. Perhaps the surgeon should be charged for using a knife for healing with intent - surely, it impinges his 'uuuman rights. Geez Louise, if the lad hadn't handed himself in what chance PC Plod would have caught him?

  8. "No, I'd say two years and training is about right if recidivist burglars are being ordered to write letters detailing how much of a shit they don't give."

    Heh! Very true!

    " But why didn't Mr H just dive back in the shop and lock himself in?"

    Perhaps he thought if he did that, he'd be at the mercy of the gang until the police eventually arrived?

    "Interesting part of the report where the judge suggested the young lad was taking the rap to protect someone above the age of criminal responsibility. "

    To which the defence refused to comment. So, who introduced that idea?

    "Geez Louise, if the lad hadn't handed himself in what chance PC Plod would have caught him?"

    According to comments, these youths are well known to the police and act with impunity.

    This sentence is another good reason for them to continue to do so...

  9. All the gang should have taken the rap for the stabbing for being there and not stopping it - as in other cases - forget what the technical term is. Our CJS is crap.

  10. Another to file under MONA?

    Without wishing to be accused of shameless opportunism isn't this proof that law-abiding shopkeepers need to be routinely armed with tasers and or firearms?

  11. allcoppedout, you thinking of 'joint enterprise'? It's what got Derek Bentley executed despite already being in police custody when his mate murdered a cop. Not sure if failing to stop one of your buddies would qualify but you'd think that holding their victim still while he's stabbed would, and like you it bothers me a bit that there were still others involved and there doesn't seem to be anything much happening to them.

  12. Clearly not racially motivated, i.e. not a White perpetrator, hence the weak sentencing.

    Perhaps some feud?

  13. "Our CJS is crap."

    You won't get much argument from me!

    "Another to file under MONA? "

    It's possible. No names are given..
