Friday 30 December 2011

Hey, Where's That Two-Way Street..?

Ch Supt Kevin Mulligan, divisional commander for Salford, said: "We have not established a clear motive for the senseless murder of Anuj and there is no definitive evidence pointing to it being racially-motivated.

"However, we are treating this as a hate crime based on the growing perceptions within the community it was motivated by hate.'

You what, Kev, me old mucker? Are you havin' a giraffe?

Maybe you'd like to look Rhea Page in the eye (the swelling's probably gone down by now) and tell her that, eh?

And if she smacked you right in the kisser there's probably not a jury in the land that'd convict her.


  1. Our Kevin's been fully diversity trained, he's read t'handboook and been on all 15 modules so 'e knows tha' knows. Confusing use of the word 'community' though; he hasn't specified which particular one otherwise he'd have used 'communities we serve' - standard ploddleygook from an ACPO wannabee.
    There are times when I yearn for a red faced, fat necked chief super who hasn't a clue just saying that the police have several leads and are looking into them all etc. (Then leaves the glare of cameras and shouts at the OIC - 'get this sorted quick - I don't want to be back here in 2 days time'..
    It won't be long before weeping accompanied by a complete physical breakdown will be the norm for these numpties as they clutch their Force Stonewall award and plan this years Gypsy/Traveller day.

  2. So .. logically, it would follow that if the "community" perceived that this crime had been committed by a Yeti .. despite there being no credible evidence to support that perception ..

    Oul "Biddy" Mulligan would now be very busy organising the New Year's Day shooting party ..

    The man's a complete Twat !

    Or have I simply not perceived it correctly ? .... ;)

  3. @Captain Haddock

    Yeti's are supposed to be white aren't they? of course they'd rush out to arrest some, if that's what would make the 'community' less likely to riot to get some attention.

  4. A salt and battered30 December 2011 at 10:34

    A yet unknown Gibbon contemporary, presently overwhelmed with proof that multiculturalism is cyandide rather than power to the people, has already envisaged a magnus opus with Decline and Fall of the British Police.

  5. I suspect mooslims.

    If it was a white dude in the frame, we'd have heard about it by now.

  6. Obscurantists tend as a general rule at least to get the basics right.

    Opus is a third declension neuter noun not a second declension masculine one.

    wv: welionis

  7. Impaling his plebeian metatarsus with the upper case, Mick Turatian is an impossible act to follow act.

  8. "...based on the growing perceptions within the community it was motivated by hate"

    Presumably in the area where this vacuous mouthpiece is employed most murders are carried out through love then ?

    Let's hope the culprit wasn't tanked on alcohol or drugs and unused to them. Or a kebab shop owner.

  9. My guess would be it's a gang killing combined with mistaken identity.

    They started off with "white man" in his twenties, and yet they seem to be arresting teenagers of no specified race. But they were straight off the starting blocks with "racist" offence, even though it would be very odd for a paki basher to execute somebody with a handgun like this, would it not?

    All most peculiar.

  10. Amongst the cerebral comments what I wrote, I am morely fond of....

    "Whatever it is that Bears do in the woods, they certainly don't learning spelling there".

  11. Oh dear - there seem to be two of me.

    Which one is the real me and which one is the unknown gibbon?

  12. Mick,

    Picky, I know, but it is the second declension.

    Just saying.

    BTW Wiki is wrong.

  13. A salt and battered30 December 2011 at 16:47

    @ Mick Turatian
    "Which one is the real me...?" I think it may be the ignoramus, Mick.

    You know, the verb in Classical, transposing to noun in Neo-Latin.

  14. EV:

    I can't agree with you alas. 2nd decl m., ending in -us gives dominus -i

    3rd decl n., also ending in -us gives opus -eris

    Not sure about Wiki and I can't send you Kennedy but there's this I found:

    What sent me checking was magnus opus which set my teeth on edge and curled my plebeian metatarsus.

  15. Mick,

    I'm sure it did, and I'll not argue with you :-)

    My prep master would though.

  16. A salt and battered30 December 2011 at 18:19

    Let me conclude the trolling with a sincere apology. Whilst magnus opus cannot be other than magnum opus, I refuse to accept it confused/upset a normal person.

    Notwithstanding, I am truly sorry it set your teeth on edge, Mick. Never leave them where they can fall and be damaged, there's a good chap.

  17. I refuse to accept it confused/upset a normal person

    It didn't.

    But it's fun when someone routinely goes out of his way to bamboozle with language, to point out that he's not as clever as he'd like to seem.

    And you don't seem to know what trolling is either.

    Bite me.

  18. A salt and battered30 December 2011 at 19:22

    Bite you?

    I must compliment you, Sir. I have never previously stumbled upon such a disagreeable challenge. Were vegetarianism not an obstacle in itself, my olfactory sense is likely to be overpowered at any visual distance downwind from your armpits.

    Having unwittingly sampled one of your coprophilic ditties....and working on the assumption you are a generous vehicle of pathological infections, the best I can do is submit to a whiff from 5 miles.

  19. Calm down chaps,if you are going to insult each other at least do it so the rest of us can understand what you are on about!!

  20. Aah, just when the ebbing flames are low, Jaded appears out of nowhere with a can of gasoline.

  21. Thanks to the Lawrence enquiry, a crime has to be recorded as racially aggravated if somebody thinks it is. If the crime results in the offender being charged, the offence might be racially aggravated, -if there is enough evidence.
    I am sure that racially aggravated offences have been charged with a white victim, but I am struggling to recall one.

  22. "Our Kevin's been fully diversity trained..."

    So it would seem. He's even apologising for things beyond his control!

    "It won't be long before weeping accompanied by a complete physical breakdown will be the norm..."

    Sadly true.

    "If it was a white dude in the frame, we'd have heard about it by now."

    Well, according to the 'Mail' this morning, they are indeed looking for a white guy.

    "Presumably in the area where this vacuous mouthpiece is employed most murders are carried out through love then ?"

    Like 'love child', surely the most inappropriate term?

  23. "My guess would be it's a gang killing combined with mistaken identity."

    The current theory seems to be revenge attack for being spurned by a couple of girls in his group. But who knows?

    I'm sure we'll hear about his sad childhood when he's standing in the dock...

    "I am sure that racially aggravated offences have been charged with a white victim, but I am struggling to recall one."

    Me too!
