Monday 19 December 2011

More Charity Job Creation…

A mum whose baby girl was scarred after being scalded by coffee is backing a new awareness campaign.
Oh? And how did she come to be scaled by hot coffee?
Miss Holdsworth is championing the “Not Kool” campaign run by Colchester-based safety information charity, Prevention Town.

She hopes the hard-hitting awareness drive, using images of scalded children, will make parents think twice before handling hot drinks alongside their children.
Do parents really need to be made aware? Clearly they do, if there’s a charity for it!

Prevention Town appears to be a newly-registered charity, not yet ‘trading’ a year, so no financial reports are available.

They claim on their website that ‘Prevention Town is not Government funded, all our work is only possible because of the generosity of our kind sponsors and the general public’.
Miss Holdsworth said: “I hope the campaign reaches lots of people.

“I would urge parents to think all the time about the dangers of hot drinks. Be aware and keep toys out of the kitchen. Now when I see mums handling coffees and their babies, I feel physically sick.”
That’s called ‘a natural response to an accident’. It’s not something anyone else really needs to be badgered about, is it?
Prevention Town founder Ross Carroll said: “The attitude is: ‘It won’t happen to me or my child’.

“Unfortunately, it does. This is a caring mum offering a reality check to help people understand our message.”
And drum up trade…
Prevention Town creates health and safety animations featuring the Kools Family characters.

The animations are used in schools, universities and hospital wards.
So while it might not be getting taxpayer money in grants, it’s getting it by supplying ‘awareness campaigns’ of (I presume) increasingly mundane ‘threats’.

I eagerly await the ‘Don’t juggle chainsaws around your baby!’ poster…

They also seem to be flogging safety ‘equipment’:
A children’s charity is selling safety products after finding parents in Colchester had to travel out of town to buy the equipment.

Prevention Town, in Crouch Street, is stocking stair gates and drawer and cupboard locks.
A nice little earner for someone?


  1. "Miss Holdsworth said: 'I hope the campaign reaches lots of people.' "

    Sadly it didn't reach Miss Holdsworth in time it appears.

    Or is she setting this up herself because she thinks all parents are as irresponsible and/or stupid as she is?

    Have Social Services confiscated her, clearly in danger, daughter yet?

    "Prevention Town creates health and safety animations featuring the Kools Family[1] characters. "

    Deity help us. Though I note, with some amusement, that at the time of posting, the YouTube video on their homepage "..has been removed by the user."

    What I presume to be the mum and dad to the right of the video could both do with going on a diet however.

    [1] Site saved here for posterity

  2. I want my fifteen seconds of fame. Becuz its for teh chiiiildren innit.

  3. To be fair this is a very sensible message, and not unlike the one my own charity, "Never Saw That Coming", is trying to raise in relation to giving your kids haircuts using chainsaws.

  4. Hey, it's usual for a victim of an accident to search for any reason for it happening (although now it seems to be more to find someone else to blame for there lack of care). But this


    No not enough

    * head/desk yes, that's better

    Didn't someone at least try to tell her to grow up?

    I thought these were jokes but maybe she needs to read this:

    or to get one of these:

    I feel so old! I also feel a bit like a super-hero:

  5. Damn I hate autocomplete!

    Their lack - oops

  6. I eagerly await the ‘Don’t juggle chainsaws around your baby!’ poster…

    I fear you won't have to wait too long!

  7. Soso! a kind of "Kool-aid".

    Has its uses for such groupings, ask Jim Jones.

  8. I am reminded of the excellent Iowahawk's blog posting on how any spending cuts will devastate America:

    'No longer protected by government warning labels, massive wave of amputations from people sticking limbs into lawn mowers'

  9. Darwin was full of shit!

  10. "Darwin was full of shit! "

    Literally, probably. As are you, unless you've had colonic irrigation of the brane (deliberate).

    So is Mohammed and Jesus and Adam, and whatever phrophet you could care to mention. Or their books which can be found in the Fiction section of any Waterstones.

    Religion is full of shit.

    Did Madame have a point to make?

  11. " Though I note, with some amusement, that at the time of posting, the YouTube video on their homepage "..has been removed by the user.""


    "I want my fifteen seconds of fame. Becuz its for teh chiiiildren innit."

    That drives an awful lot of local newspaper stories, doesn't it? I think her ambition was to get picked up by the 'Mail'...

    "... not unlike the one my own charity, "Never Saw That Coming", is trying to raise in relation to giving your kids haircuts using chainsaws."


    "I feel so old! "

    Join the club! Great links, by the way...

  12. "I am reminded of the excellent Iowahawk's blog posting on how any spending cuts will devastate America..."


    "Did Madame have a point to make?"

    I think it was a referral to Darwin's theory that the useless would not pass on their genes, having killed themselves off. Clearly, Darwin never envisioned the Nanny State.

  13. Idiot mother who didn't know hot drinks were hot and burnt her own child announces her inadequacy to the world and lectures other idiots while hoping to make money out of it ?

    Why isn't she so embarrassed by her mistake (yes I accept it was a mistake) that she just keeps her mouth shut and doesn't allow the situation arise again. Doesn't anyone have any shame, any more ?

