Monday 26 December 2011

Oh, Stop Making A Right Tit Of Yourself, Love…

A mother says she got a parking ticket as she breastfed her child in her car.
Yes. And..?

She didn’t get the ticket for breastfeeding, before the brealots arrive and begin screeching, she got it for illegal parking..
Talin Sellian, 28, got the ticket in New Steine, Kemp Town, Brighton, at about 10am on Monday.

She contacted The Argus to complain the parking warden who gave her the ticket had not stopped issuing it as she tried to speak to him.
Perhaps he was too busy looking down at his ticket-book in embarrassment?
She said she had had to pull in to feed her 11-month-old son, Tai.

She said: “If someone is in the car, they should be asking them to move on before printing a ticket."
Babies aren’t time-bombs, love. There’s no digital feeding countdown, they won’t reach critical mass and explode if you don’t whip out a nipple RIGHT THERE AND THEN.

Find a legal parking space, and you’re golden. See how that works?


  1. Hehe, well said Julia. Of course she's one of the Righteous who would complain if she saw someone was parked illegally.

    You can just tell can't you?

  2. My sister-in-law was still breast-feeding her daughter when she was five. Five!

    Anyone got any mind bleach handy?

  3. "Talin Sellian" ?

    Mmmm .. hardly your average Anglo-Saxon names .. eh ?

  4. She's definitely in the wrong but she does have a point about asking a driver to move on rather than giving a ticket. Shows it's more to do with revenue raising than keeping the streets clear of parked cars.

  5. She could, of course, have driven on with the nipper feeding. But some say that's very difficult when you are making a call on your mobile at the same time.

    And if she;s in Brighton, did she consider her carbon footprint too?

    Oh, the problems of modern living!

  6. Dogging and Piking Association26 December 2011 at 10:29

    We are watching developments with interest.

  7. I thought if the driver was in the car it wasn't technically "parked", it's "standing" or "waiting" or something? Or did we dispose of that distinction because it interferes with revenue collection?

  8. "Talin Sellian" ?

    Mmmm .. hardly your average Anglo-Saxon names .. eh ?

    Yes I was going to say something like that. Bet she gets lots of our money too.

  9. The Brighton wardens are 'keen' to say the least, but I have found they are usually sympathetic if you explain what you are doing and how long you are going to park.
    Why didn't she say something?
    Jiks, sorry, to ask but I and probably a few other are wondering whether the 5 years of 'use' has had any side effects. Are we talking fried eggs hanging on a nail, Mexican saddle bags or nuclear warheads?

  10. Blueknight,

    Thankfully I do not know as I have managed to avoid the loon since a particularly horrifying encounter back in 2003. I can't think of a tactful way to bring the subject up over the phone so this will have remain a mystery for now.

    I am reliably informed the child is satan incarnate, if that helps :)

  11. "You can just tell can't you?"

    Usually! And as Rab points out, I bet we know where she logs on... ;)

    "My sister-in-law was still breast-feeding her daughter when she was five. Five!"

    It's not unknown, I think the 'Guardian' did an article a while back...


    "...but she does have a point about asking a driver to move on rather than giving a ticket. Shows it's more to do with revenue raising than keeping the streets clear of parked cars."

    We've only got her account that says he didn't...

    "I am reliably informed the child is satan incarnate, if that helps :)"


  12. She has a child called 'Tai'. She deserves all she gets.
