Thursday 15 December 2011

On The Fourth Day Of Christmas, Multiculturalism Gave To Me...

...a feeling of being 'untouchable':
They illuminate a sense of 'droit de seigneur' which characterised Boateng's attack on the lithe blonde dancer, and the colossal misjudgment he made in believing his pedigree would protect him from its life-changing consequences.
But hey, we're all equal before the law, aren't we?

Also, the marginalising of our Christian heritage, the concept of victim perception of racism and a partridge in a cardboard box.


  1. Perhaps some mysterious virus will take out all PCists in one go.

  2. To quote Eric Arthur Blair, "Some animals are more equal than others"
    The sense of entitlement amongst various non white ethnic groups is a source of growing tension amongst the majority, of course the ptb can't or don't see it that way.
    I'm enjoying this series.

  3. What an nasty family. Remember Paul at the height of his powers, playing the race card for all it was worth. Then Mrs B. apparently the kind of West African that would have helped sell other 'people of colour' to those nasty white slavers 'back in the day', then the little 'Prince' - I bet there's a picture of some relative who is a High Court Judge in Lagos on their wall at home! Horrible fuckers!

  4. There are a number of people who, on seeing this story, would conclude that some non-whites with conferred privileges are vile, vicious scum who should never have arrived here in the first place.

    Such misguided people, I say! Let's hear it for diversity and opportunity! Open the borders and allow more of that fascinating culture in to make our days brighter!

  5. Unfortunately it's not just those who have sucked up and played the system to get positions of privilege who act with this arrogance.

    Witness the multiple child sex rings (white girls being targeted by a certain section of the population), multiple rapes and assaults (of white girls), multiple attacks (on lone, usually young and defenseless white boys) - the perpetrators of which all receive pathetically lenient sentences, and all who act shocked and angry that they were punished at all (after all aren't they superior and just getting their own back for all that discrimination and only 'targeted' coz I iz Black/muslim)

    I truly despair for this country at times, and fear that 'race riots' will not even begin to describe what will happen when the majority feel they've been pushed too far.

    My worst fear is that the x-factor/I'm a celebrity watching Hello reading drones never will be pushed too far as long as they get their benefits. If/when that system collapses - there'll be shortage of piano wire.

  6. Nasty, arrogant, self-important, little shit ..

    Like Father - like Son ...

  7. "...the son of political royalty..."

    Only in their eyes, only in theirs.

    On the subject of untouchables, perhaps someone cleverer than me can explain how is it that the police can play a recording of the Stephen Lawrence accused in court, and yet in the dreadful Charlene Downes case ended up shelling out massive compensation to suspects they recorded and still have convicted no-one ?

  8. ..can explain how is it that the police can play a recording of the Stephen Lawrence accused in court, and yet in the dreadful Charlene Downes case ended up shelling out massive compensation...
    Not familiar with the all the details of the Charlene case, but my guess is that the recording of the Stephen Lawrence suspects took place before the dreaded 'Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act' was in force.

  9. So much for your pedigree, chum.

  10. "Nasty, arrogant, self-important, little shit ..

    Like Father - like Son ..."- Captain H

    ....But with REAL power, and huge wealth.

    "The black man will hold the whip hand over the white man."- Enoch P.

    Reread that speech of Powell's, everybody gets the wrong idea about it. Its not about the numbers, its about the power structure being skewed to "empower" immigrants, and disempower the indigenes; and the inevitable result of this, human nature being what it is. We (assuming 'you' are white)are to be disadvantaged and, essentially,punished: presumably for the evils of colonialism and slavery. Its certainly working for me. I profoundly regret owning all those sugar-cane plantations, and as for my role in the exploitation of Africa in the Victorian era; well, I won't be doing THAT again in a hurry, I can tell you.

  11. Nasty, arrogant, self-important, little shit ..

    Like Father - like Son ...

    I don't think it's entirely accurate to describe a smug, self-satisfied, loathsome hectoring bastard as a little shit.

  12. "My worst fear is that the x-factor/I'm a celebrity watching Hello reading drones never will be pushed too far as long as they get their benefits. If/when that system collapses - there'll be shortage of piano wire."---Able

    We're probably only a couple of years away from the benefit money running out. That and MP's salaries'll be the last things to go, of course. They'll string it out as long as poss by cutting old age pensions etc(OAPs as a demographic group are hugely white, or at least the element that ever paid anything in in the first place is). But,yep: there'll be troops on the streets, guns pointed at the English.

  13. "Troops on the streets", well they're having a dry run next year, just so 'we' get used to the idea of military used for crowd control (at the Olympics).

    I fear (and apparently the politicians and bureaucrats do too) that it'll be sooner rather than later.

  14. "The sense of entitlement amongst various non white ethnic groups is a source of growing tension amongst the majority..."

    I wish! Most people seem sadly resigned to it, or indifferent so long as they have their modern 'bread and circuses', as Able points out..

    "So much for your pedigree, chum."


    "We're probably only a couple of years away from the benefit money running out. "

