Wednesday 14 December 2011

On The Third Day Of Christmas, Multiculturalism Gave To Me...

...the marginalising of our Christian heritage.
The BBC employs more atheists and non-believers than Christians, an internal ‘diversity’ survey has found.

The new research has been seized on by critics who accuse the Corporation of bias against Christianity and marginalising the faith in its output.
But hey, why complain? It's making our nation so much more colourful!

Also, the concept of victim perception of racism and a partridge in a cardboard box.


  1. So what's new, Christians a minority. Just look at an average days programming. On presenters alone you'd believe that white, Christian, heterosexuals were the decided minority in this country.

    Then there's the meme that if anyone is stupid, incompetent, mean-spirited or even just plain evil - yes, you guessed it, they'll be white, Christian, heterosexual males. Then the constant left wing perspective, selective presentation or even censorship, or lets be honest down right lies, and all payed for by us at the point of a gun.

    I'm getting a little tired of being laughed at by all those poor destitute millionaire presenters and luvvies.

  2. Well said "Able" ..

  3. And another thing - I don't know if Labour passed a law mandating it in their dying days, but every advert now seems to carry the CE mark.

    That's CE as in Compulsory Ethnic person.

    You can't watch ITV now without some gurning token filling the screen in the breaks.

  4. I don't watch the tellybox but the more they shove effnik lesbian cripples on as presenters the sooner the audience will wake up to what has happened to their country (as was).

  5. "I'm getting a little tired of being laughed at by all those poor destitute millionaire presenters and luvvies."

    Me too.

    "... but every advert now seems to carry the CE mark.

    That's CE as in Compulsory Ethnic person."


  6. 62 million people, under 3.5 million regularly attend church? Yes, Christians are a minority in the country. Now, that the majority culture is nominally Christian and this is under attack from a self-proclaimed elite ... But that's a different point.

  7. Agree with Surreptitious Evil. If a qualification for being Christian was that you ever went to a non-Wedding/Baptism/Funeral service then numbers would plummet. People just lazily tick a box on a census form because, well their parents, equally automatically, had them baptized CofE and they haven't given the matter a thought since.

    I'm also not sure that athiests are any more inclined to multiculturism than god-botherers, who all seem to bend over backwards to accommodate other "beliefs".

  8. Religious programmes also have a disproportionate amount of money spent on them in relation to their tiny audience figures and in surveys are regularly the programmes least valued by the general audience.
