Monday, 5 December 2011

So, It’s Not Pride That Goes Before A Fall…

…it’s criminal stupidity:
A boy escaped serious injury after falling through the roof of a cycle shelter.

He was one of a group of youths who had gathered at Hampden Park railway station, Eastbourne, who was seen climbing on to the acrylic glass shelters.
Awww, bless ‘em! They’re probably only doing it because there are no youth clubs in their area. Innit…
The Perspex-like material on one of the shelters gave way, with one of the boys falling through and landing on the top of his back, close to his neck. Concerned passengers went to help him but he limped away.
PC Paul Gardner said: “This behaviour was not only criminal, with the shelter damaged and the acrylic glass having to be replaced, but equally dangerous.

“Railway stations are not a playground and it is surprising that this youth was able to walk away apparently unscathed after his fall.”
Surprising, and disappointing. But then, he or his parents would probably just have found a lawyer to sue the railway anyway…


  1. We used to muck around on the nearby 6 rail London to Scotland railway line and associated railway buildings, never did us any harm.

    Hopefully this lad has earned a lesson that no amount of punishment would achieve.

  2. Way back in the days I went to the Glentoran local derby match and the area we were in had the asbestos type roof sheets covring the stands below .. so a crowd of us climbed over and stood on it to watch the match (tanked up of course) .. all very well until the first goal went in and one idiot jumped up and down ... cue big hole and him stretched over the seats below with a broken back ...

  3. A salt and battered5 December 2011 at 13:09

    Pride and Plodfall: by Jane Jaded.

    "Widespread anger and frustration at the way POLICE 'engage' with the PUBLIC was a significant cause of the summer riots in every major city where disorder took place, the biggest study into their cause has found."

    ...a truth now universally acknowledged.

  4. A relative of mine used to teach at a school close to a major highway. One day little Wayne turned up looking as white as sheet and feeling ill. Little lad was okay after being taken to the hospital, but it emerged he had been playing a game of 'chicken' where bored kids from the estate nearby would run at the last second across the dual carriageway, hoping not to be hit by cars doing between 40 and 50.

    Apparently his luck was out the evening before but he managed to get up and limp home. Nothing, of course, was done for him there but happily the school was on hand to help out the next day, and the hospital thereafter.

    Kids. You couldn't make them up...

  5. Ah, just for the hell of it.

  6. "But then, he or his parents would probably just have found a lawyer to sue the railway anyway" …

    And in today's climate .. more than likely won !

  7. A salt and battered-are you sure you're not Melvin under another name?.He flounced off this blog a couple of weeks ago taking his football with him as someone had the cheek to disagree with him!
    As soon as I saw the phrase "a truth universally acknowledged" the red flag went up.It irritates me greatly when armchair generals on here profess to speak for the country.You are speaking for yourself old chap,no-one else.The same as me.
    I thought the police would be to blame for the riots.We smashed the windows and handed the shiny stuff to the feral underclass who just happened to be walking past Curry's on their way to bible class.

  8. Widespread anger and frustration at the way POLICE 'engage' with the PUBLIC was a significant cause of the summer riots ......
    ... at least, so says the Guardian and London School of Economics. Ahem

  9. A salt and battered5 December 2011 at 22:42

    Bill and Inabillity: by Jane Jaded.

    Don't struggle with the tabloids, blueknight. Every station will receive a Xmas braille edition of the above.

  10. "...cue big hole and him stretched over the seats below with a broken back "


    "...a truth now universally acknowledged."

    Only if 'universally acknowledged' now means 'according to the left-wing quangos and pundits'. And looking at the most recommended comments on those various 'Guardian' articles, it doesn't.

    "Ah, just for the hell of it."

