Sunday 18 December 2011

Spiders Sheep From Mars!

Frantic callers to the council thought real green sheep were wandering across the busy roundabout.

A spokeswoman for West Sussex County Council said: “They were painted bright green so that they were not mistaken for the real thing.

“However, because some motorists have expressed concerns that the sheep are real we have put temporary roadwork barriers around them.”
Should've gone to Specsavers...
When the flock of woolly munchers first appeared under the flyover on November 24 confused local councillors said they had no idea where they had come from.

The Argus launched a search for the mystery shepherds responsible.

Suspicious readers ‘grassed up’ workmen sending in pictures of the critters being delivered.
I seem to have missed this Great Sheep Hunt somehow! Manwiddecombe has actually seen the chartreuse ovines...
West Sussex County Council later revealed the greedy grazers had arrived as part of a roundabout sponsorship scheme to promote the South Downs National Park.
Now bill them for the cost of having to fence in the 'sheep'!


  1. I do all my Xmas shopping at Argus.

  2. We're used to the usual urban idiots assuming 'milk comes from the fridge in the supermarket' and 'bread is made in a factory' types - but assuming a static 'green' plastic sheep is going to jump out in front of their cars. Is it just me or did the average IQ of this country just drop another 20 points?

  3. There are thousands or REAL green sheep, roaming free. It's a spontaneous evolutionary mutation.

    Due to the camouflage effect, the farmers and sheepdogs didn't notice them, so they soon escaped.

    They are now breeding wild, and causing lots of mysterious road accidents.

    It's all been hushed up, and that proves that it's true.

  4. Years ago a report of an armed man outside a video shop turned out to be a card board cut out of Clint Eastwood advertising the latest Dirty Harry film

  5. "I do all my Xmas shopping at Argus."


    " Is it just me or did the average IQ of this country just drop another 20 points?"

    I fear so...

    "It's all been hushed up, and that proves that it's true."

    I await the 'green sheep give you cancer!' scare from the 'Daily Mail'...

    "...turned out to be a card board cut out of Clint Eastwood advertising the latest Dirty Harry film."

