Saturday, 7 January 2012

Don’t Let The Door Hit You You-Know-Where On The Way Out..

Alexander Chancellor bows out of the ‘Guardian’ after fifteen years.

Fifteen years in which he apparently learned nothing:
My hope for the new year is that everyone will become a little thicker-skinned. When so many casual remarks nowadays provoke public fury, relaxed discourse becomes all but impossible. Diane Abbott's tweet yesterday about how "white people love to play 'divide and rule'" with black people (see page 13) was, as Nick Clegg said, "stupid", but hardly worth making a fuss about.
Really, Alexander? You’ve spent fifteen years on CiF and not noticed that making a fuss over what people say rather than what they do is pretty much the default setting there?
White people (dare I generalise?) are presumably confident enough to survive this mild aspersion without resort to racial violence.
Whereas I guess black people aren’t, so Tweets perceived as ‘racist’ according to them had better be suppressed pretty damn quick, or else the darkies be riotin’ and rapin’ in Hackney?

Are you really sure that’s what you meant to imply? Good god!

Blundering on even further:
What appalled white San Franciscans was, of course, the craziness and random nature of the killings. If being white was on its own a good enough reason for somebody to murder you, there could be no security for anyone. And to recall the fear and bewilderment then prevalent among the white people of San Francisco is to understand better the horror and misery felt by black people in Britain over the killing of Stephen Lawrence as he waited innocently at his Eltham bus stop all those years ago.
A fair point, and a good one. Which he then just has to ruin…
One unusual thing about the Zebra Murders was that they were perpetrated by members of an ethnic minority against members of the ethnic majority. It is normally the other way round, as it is from the majority that racial hate killings usually come.


  1. A salt and battered7 January 2012 at 13:41

    That embarrassing pre-shave, early morning pic of Abbott aside, he always had something interesting on offer, Julia.

  2. It's even more hilarious when you click on his name and it goes through to his profile page where there isn't a caption stuggling to explain the picture.

    Then you can't tell if it is supposed to be a reference to Diane Abbott or Jeremy Clarkson.

  3. Originally published in The Times
    Figures recently published under the Freedom of Information Act seem to support such fears: of the 58 people killed because of the colour of their skin between 1995 and 2004, almost half were described as white.

    The British Crime Survey reveals that in 2004, 87,000 people who described themselves as black or minority ethnic (BME) had been victims of what they believed was a racially motivated crime. They had suffered 49,000 violent attacks, with 4,000 being wounded.

    At the same time a staggering 92,000 white people also said that racism was the cause of an attack or crime they had suffered. The number of violent attacks against whites reached 77,000, while the number of white people who reported being wounded was five times the number of black and minority ethnic victims at 20,000.

  4. Anon at 14:00

    Among the "race crimes" committed by us evil whities in one year were some 3,100 thefts from Asian's cars, cars deemed to be "racially motivated."

  5. Oh, and I'm in a state of catatonic shock over the Zebra murders actually getting a mention ATL on CiF.

    Sadly, I'm not shocked that the writer makes a spurious comparison between a murder campaign that killed 71 whites in a year or so (in a city a tenth the size of London), and the Lawrence killing.

  6. starbryte;
    Interesting figures, thanks. The system for recording racially motivated crime is so politically loaded it hard to take them seriously. The figures for violent crime are interesting though and reveal that four times as many white people are subjected to violent racist assaults than ethnic minority.
    The media coverage is hopelessly skewed, says not surprising that people get distorted picture. The classic recent example,

    2 horrific crimes. 2 very different responses.

    Danny O'shea - On Dec 4th the white 18-year-old was chased and caught by gang of black youths, they cut his throat and he bled to death.

    Anuj Bidve - On Dec 26th the 23-year-old student from India has died after he was shot in the head at close range by a white gunman. (And classed as racist by the police despite there being no evidence suggesting it was).

    Danny O'shea - 4 stories on the BBC website.

    Anuj Bidve - 38 stories on the BBC site

  7. What about Guardianistas being more thick skinned when someone confronts their world view?

    I mean instead of getting their opponents lifted by the militia for "incitement to racial hatred" or some such Trotskyite nonsense.

  8. "That embarrassing pre-shave, early morning pic of Abbott aside..."


    "Among the "race crimes" committed by us evil whities in one year were some 3,100 thefts from Asian's cars, cars deemed to be "racially motivated.""

    Clearly, the decision to nick them was made on the little 'fish' symbol on the bumper, the Jamaica flag sticker or the multi-coloured beanie hat on the back seat?

    "What about Guardianistas being more thick skinned when someone confronts their world view?"

    With their version of moderation, they never need see anything like that..

  9. He conveniently omits to note there is a whole Met Police operation (Trident) dedicated to black-on-black (gun) violence. Black people are more at risk of violence from each other than they are from honkey. Just ask the family of Damilola Taylor. The Guardian don't seem to hold poor Damilola in the same kind of esteem they reserve for Stephen Lawrence. Strange that, given the very similar circumstances of their deaths. Apart from the race of their assailants, of course.
