Monday 2 January 2012

Evidence Of Their 'Mental Health Problems'?

Well, they were clearly keen 'CSI' fans:
The court heard the pair, who both have mental health problems, used a blue surgical glove to hide their fingerprints. They were caught by police hours after the attack.
No wonder it only took the jury 90 minutes to convict!
Reynolds, formerly of Anlaby Road, west Hull, pleaded guilty to grievous bodily harm with intent.

Roberts, who has been moved from Hessle Road, west Hull, to the Humber Centre medium secure unit, was convicted by a jury of grievous bodily harm and acquitted of causing grievous bodily harm with intent.
A medium secure facility? For a concerted stabbing that could so easily have proved fatal?


  1. "Hully-Gully's" .. don'tcha just love 'em ? ... ;)

  2. So a slit throat and 16 stab wounds attracts a charge of GBH. Nice to know.

    *scribbles down for future reference.*

  3. "So a slit throat and 16 stab wounds attracts a charge of GBH. Nice to know" ...

    Yep .. but only in the capital of Prescottshire .. ;)

  4. ""Hully-Gully's""


    "*scribbles down for future reference.*"

    The drawback is you'll need to spend some time in the booby hatch. Probably not as cushy as prison.
