Tuesday 17 January 2012

A Happy Ending For The Animals…

…but what about the child?

A woman who allowed her 13 cats and two dogs to starve for more than a month has escaped jail.
I pity those who had to investigate the case…

Andrew Wiles, prosecuting, said: "The premises themselves were in poor condition, with the pungent smell of urine and faeces throughout."
Naturally, mitigation is as pathetic and inadequate as the defendant:

Jaysen Seebrouth, defending, said Spiers kept the animals for comfort and had attempted suicide since the pets were removed from her care.
And if you think that was bad enough, read on:

He said: "She has had difficulties with her child settling at school, with her accommodation and finances. She has suffered from poor hygiene, poor living conditions and it all took time for her to turn her life around.

"It's been of great pain to her what has happened."
I do hope someone’s removed the poor child, too…

Update: Link now fixed, thanks to Curmudgeon.


  1. Gah! Bloody newspaper borked the link! I'll try & fix...

  2. Yup - the link was to a BONA!

  3. *Tucks into a cheese and ham sandwich and finds a blog to read with dinner*

    " "The premises themselves were in poor condition, with the pungent smell of urine and faeces throughout." "


  4. O/T sorry but in the spirit of "reasons to decapitate defence lawyers"...

    "A thug who punched a frail 92-year-old in a row over a dog has escaped jail after a court heard that a prison term would disrupt his anger management course."


  5. I have been into many houses like this one.I describe them to my family and the kids think they are hilarious.But no matter how bad you think they are visually-it's the smell that gets you the most.
    My normal line is something like; "you want to sack your cleaner love"
    She replies "I haven't got a cleaner"
    Me "Really?".
    Never ceases to amuse.

    Puts it into perspective when I get home and moan about the wife leaving her tea-cup on the coffee table.

  6. "O/T sorry but in the spirit of "reasons to decapitate defence lawyers"..."

    *hurls PC across room and out of window*

    "I have been into many houses like this one."

    I've read the descriptions in Gadget's comments - hair-raising! And how can the SS consider it not a good enough reason to remove children?
