Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Like Animals, They Act On Instinct...

...trip and fall, and you're fair game:
For Morris, Richard Butters said his client had not initiated the attack.

He added: "Her intentions were to break it up but unfortunately the complainant fell to the floor."
An irresistible temptation, clearly...
She was locked up for a year by Judge David Tremberg at Grimsby Crown Court.

He ordered her to be taken down before he passed sentence because of her repeated outbursts from the dock.

Her mother was ordered out of the court for her comments as the judge passed sentence.


  1. FTA:

    "He added: "Kicking people in the face is something that can cause serious and lasting harm. If you do it again you are going to go to prison for a long time.""

    Of course she will...

    "The defence barrister said her offending had dramatically dropped since the offence."

    Dropped?? Not stopped completely?

  2. ""The defence barrister said her offending had dramatically dropped since the offence" ...

    She was probably whore-de-combat, with a severe case of "Wilkinson's toe" ..

    The miracle is that she hasn't claimed for it .. if she did, I suspect she'd get paid out too ..

  3. It's another of these baffling cases where it seems to be accepted that the culprit's default setting is aggression and violence.

    Your animal analogy is spot on - and raises an interesting question; why doesn't the criminal justice system sign up TV's Dog Whisperer and see if he can do anything about it?

    Surely it's worth a try!

  4. So now we know the answer to who put the c*nt in Scunthorpe.

    Make the most of the judge's decision. It's only a matter of time before it's overturned on appeal because a custodial sentence is against the bitch's human rights because she's got a pet gerbil that needs 24/7 care innit.

  5. "Your animal analogy is spot on"

    Agreed, so how about second offence leads to a one-way trip to the police vet?

  6. The defence barrister said her offending had dramatically dropped since the offence.

    Jebus, that's what counts as mitigation these days

  7. "Dropped?? Not stopped completely?"

    I wonder by what percentage? 50%? 5%?

    "...where it seems to be accepted that the culprit's default setting is aggression and violence."

    Well, it probably is, to be fair!

    "So now we know the answer to who put the c*nt in Scunthorpe."

    *spits cornflakes over keyboard*


    "Jebus, that's what counts as mitigation these days"

    Oh, there's more, as they say....
