Monday 16 January 2012

Make .... It....STOP!

A petrol station offering cheap petrol to drivers if they buy booze as well has been slammed by safety campaigners who fear it could encourage drink-driving.

My local often stocks BBQ charcoal yet I’ve never felt the need to start BBQing while driving. Perhaps we better stop them selling newspapers as well, in case people read at the wheel, eh?
The promotion is being offered as scores of drivers across the Midlands face court following drink drive campaigns by police over the Christmas period.
Something which, I suspect, has no bearing on this whatsoever.

But I’m willing to be convinced, fruitcakes and NuPuritans; do tell me how many bought their alcohol at a petrol station? 40%? 20%? 2%? Any at all?

Come on, you must have the figures, right? You haven’t just pulled this out of your fundaments (again) have you?
The offer at the Jet garage flies in the face of advice issued by Alcohol Concern….
Oh, perish the thought!
… who recommend safety warnings be displayed at garages where alcohol is available, and staff are fully trained in responsible sales practices.
They can recommend what they like; Jet are under no obligation whatsoever to comply.
The campaign group has also suggested that the UK follows France, which has banned booze from petrol stations altogether.
And so France has reduced their drink-driving convictions to nil, right?

I suspect the answer’s ‘Non!’…


  1. Are they by any chance offering cheap chocolate? That would attract me.

  2. WOAR: I'm thinking of reporting several petrol stations to Diane Abbott because if I buy a normal size snickers or a mars bar they always offer me the double size ones or tell me I can buy three choccy bars for a pound - this is OUTRAGEOUS with the obesity concerns in the UK AND I'm a fat bastard!

  3. If I want to buy booze I have to drive to the nearest off-license or supermarket because it's a bloody long walk.

    That means - I DRIVE AROUND WITH BOTTLES AND CANS OF BOOZE IN MY CAR! How anti-social! The horror of it!

    Note to self: Tell bansturbators to get a frigging life and stop treating normal people like brainless cretins.

  4. Just wish they'd mind their own business and leave us alone. Problem is that a whole industry has grown up around the "thou shalt not" system of prodnosing the public, they always claim it's for our own good, but frankly who would give a damn about what they think so long as they didn't have the power or the headlines to affect our lives. They appear to make a good living out of taxpayer funding to tell the government what the government want to do.

  5. "My local often stocks BBQ charcoal yet I’ve never felt the need to start BBQing while driving."

    Nor me - the smoke fogs up the windscreen.

  6. Allo, allo apology16 January 2012 at 16:57

    Merde alors! We must follow ze rules of another country...

    Waitez vous une second, mon cherie! Didn't France, which may not sell alcohol avec petrol, have to change some rule at Disneyland to allow wine to be served at restaurant tables otherwise le customers they go elsewhere?

    So, ze frogs they may get sloshed over slugs au gratin so zey have no need to buy booze from their petrol stations...

  7. "Tell bansturbators to get a frigging life and stop treating normal people like brainless cretins" ...

    Because they themselves are brainless cretins, they automatically assume that the rest of the planet's population must be too ..

    I wonder if they'd get their knickers in such a knot if an Off Licence chain started giving away
    discount fuel vouchers ?

  8. Apologies for veering off topic, but please - what was the uncomfortable truth for which you were modded on the Gary "whatchoo-talkin-bout-willis" Younge thread early this morning ?
    Must have been a stormer as it disappeared between 5.47am and 7.30 am.
    My curiousity has been nagging me all day...

  9. "They appear to make a good living out of taxpayer funding to tell the government what the government want to do."

    Very concisely put, and there is no 'appear to' about it, that is precisely what they do. They are known as fake charities for two reasons. Real charities rely upon donations rather than taxpayers money and as a consequence have to convince people that they do something worthy. Real charities are not allowed to lobby the government, if they involve themselves in politics they lose their charitable status and have to start paying taxes.

  10. Sorry, I forgot to mention the bleeding obvious point that if you buy alcohol from a garage it will be in cans or bottles that you are likely to consume at home. I don't remember the last time I had to drive from my fridge to my telly. Surely almost all of those convicted of driving under the influence must have been drinking in a pub.

  11. I often buy petrol at a supermarket and they have booze and knives and tools and car cleaning items for sale!!

    So it's obviously an accident waiting to happen when a drunk stabs someone while taking his car apart to clean it while driving home, Oh the horror......

  12. Wait til the alcohol denormalisation properly kicks in. You'll be charged about 2 quid over the odds anywhere else sells it for. Just like now with ciggies...

  13. The thought that ANOTHER killjoy group with an agenda, has been given a sniff of the oxygen of publicity makes my blood boil... Just who are these self-appointed, self righteous arbiters, with no authority other than their own selfish self-interest that have to stick their oar in where it is neither needed nor wanted? There is far too much of this sort of thing these days, either stupid people like this, or 'elf and safety lunatics. Grrrr!

  14. A salt and battered16 January 2012 at 22:18


    S Wales CID offering free cans of strong cider ahead of every statement.

    This week's special: doubles for children under 18, so hurry!

  15. A salt and battered16 January 2012 at 22:20

    Forgot to insert *radiator*

  16. "Are they by any chance offering cheap chocolate? That would attract me."


    "... because if I buy a normal size snickers or a mars bar they always offer me the double size ones or tell me I can buy three choccy bars for a pound.."

    Something that's really started to irritate me in WH Smith..!

    "They appear to make a good living out of taxpayer funding to tell the government what the government want to do."

    Spot on!

    "So, ze frogs they may get sloshed over slugs au gratin so zey have no need to buy booze from their petrol stations..."

    Ah, indeed! No-one ever looks at the bigger picture...

  17. "Apologies for veering off topic, but please - what was the uncomfortable truth for which you were modded on the Gary "whatchoo-talkin-bout-willis" Younge thread early this morning ?"

    I think it was what I later Tweeted, something to the effect that this was a candidate for 'worst article of 2012', unless Toynbee or Milne could pull a stonker later in the year...

    "Surely almost all of those convicted of driving under the influence must have been drinking in a pub."

    Or at home, or a party...

    "S Wales CID offering free cans of strong cider ahead of every statement.

    This week's special: doubles for children under 18, so hurry!"


  18. Ever tried getting a pub licence for a building with no car park?
