Sunday 29 January 2012

Oh Noes, Now They Are Armed And Dangerous!!

Another deer kill has been reported as scientists move closer to results of DNA tests which could beef up evidence of big cats in Gloucestershire.

Oh. Wait.
The Roe deer, found by walker Dave Davies on Tuesday afternoon, appeared to have been shot at point blank range through the top of its head.
One back leg was also broken and Mr Tunbridge believes it may have been involved in a road collision and dispatched with a gun.
Yes, that's the Mr Tunbridge described in the news item as an 'Expert big cat tracker...'

Number of big cats tracked by Mr Tunbridge? Anyone want to guess?

And there's some amazing back-and-forth in the comments between the Big Cat Believers and, ummm, normal people.


  1. Blimey! These big cats are clever! He must have been waiting in the branches of a tree to have shot the deer through the top of the head. Cunning or what!

  2. "The fur has been plucked, there is a piece of skin that looks like it's been ripped off, and its internal organs have been eaten out from the back"

    So they don't have foxes, badgers, rodents or corvids in that part of Gloucestershire then...?

    How convenient for Frankie Tunbridge and his expert twaddle.

  3. There is a famous text on the behaviour of big cats up trees in English woodland.

    'There's something in one of the Pine Trees.'
    'So there is!' said Pooh, looking up wonderingly. 'There's an animal.'

    Piglet took Pooh's arm, in case Pooh was frightened. 'Is it one of the Fiercer Animals?' he said, looking the other way. Pooh nodded. 'It's a Jagular,' he said. 'what do Jagulars do?' asked Piglet, hoping that they wouldn't. 'They hide in the branches of trees, and drop on you as you go underneath,' said Pooh. 'Christopher Robin told me.' 'Perhaps we better hadn't go underneath, Pooh. In case he dropped and hurt himself.' 'They don't hurt themselves, ' said Pooh. 'They're such very good droppers.'

    Piglet still felt that to be underneath a Very Good Dropper would be a mistake, and he was just going to hurry back for something which he had forgotten when the Jagular called out to them. 'Help! Help!' it called. 'That's what Jagulars always do,' said Pooh, much interested. 'They call "Help! Help!" and then when you look up, they drop on you,' 'I'm looking down,' cried Piglet loudly, so as the Jagular shouldn't do the wrong thing by accident.

    There, proof.

  4. It was the Thundercats. Got opposable thumbs so they can use guns.

    WV: 'catterri'. Really.

  5. We get reports in the press of the Fen Tiger...........but with everyone having a camera mobile phone no nice sharp piccies have been taken. Just fuzzy long shots of something vaguely looking like a pussycat

  6. The big cats are out there. I actually saw one in August 2000, but they must be so rare the population can't be more than a couple of dozen for the whole country. Besides, if one of them took down a deer, the last place you'd find the deer carcase would be on the side of the road.

  7. Place not all thy trust in DNA.

  8. "So they don't have foxes, badgers, rodents or corvids in that part of Gloucestershire then...?"

    Oh, 'a fox wouldn't eat that much' says Frank. I guess there's only one fox in the country? Big cats must have eaten 'em all!

    "There, proof."


    "but with everyone having a camera mobile phone no nice sharp piccies have been taken. Just fuzzy long shots..."

    Incredible, isn't it?

    "...but they must be so rare the population can't be more than a couple of dozen for the whole country."

    Which would make the population unsustainable.

    "Place not all thy trust in DNA."

    Oh, indeed!
