Monday 30 January 2012

Quote Of The Month: Special Stephen Lawrence Edition

From Richard at 'Going Fast, Getting Nowhere':
"The publication on national television of covert videotapes showing the accused behaving in a racist and violent manner in their own homes (is it even legal to do this?) which, while causing revulsion in anyone who saw it, was not criminal in itself, and was not evidence of their guilt or innocence, and yet virtually ensured that they could never have a fair trial in this country."
Spot on!


  1. Are Norris & Dobson appealing? Can they appeal ?

  2. And I know they aren't in any way 'appealing' as individuals

  3. The powers that be were out to get them regardless. Double jeopardy was scrapped and other charges brought. There was an iron determination to get them banged up for the murder. It would appear advances in technology were the clincher. What a shame that such dedication isn't the norm in such cases.

    They should claim for a mistrial owing to trial by media.

  4. It was always going to be guilty. Pure political sentencing at its worst. All to avoid a repeat of the riots.

    A juror got time last week for researching a case she was on. The footage you talk of was first aired years ago. What is the difference? Can you imagine the judges directions to the jury? I will ask you to disregard the footage you may have seen of the accused etc, etc.

  5. Shabby business all round, and if the case was pursued to make Britain look non-racial then it was the wrong reason.

    Justice should be pursued for the sake of what is right and fair to all, not for some ulterior political motive. Oh, and it won't stop the next lot of riots when the weather gets better later in the year.

    Indeed, the Olympics could well be against a background of da yoof helping themselves to new plasma TVs.

  6. Indeed. We are being told only this morning that if your son turns up mysteriously dead in connection with a concrete mixer, it is now far too late to investigate convincingly due to police shortcomings at the time.

    Apparently miracles of forensic advance only apply in certain cases. Ah well, we can but try but I don't suppose anything will turn up.

    Death of Lee Balkwell

  7. If applied to any other suspect(s) there was so much reasonable doubt regarding the DNA evidence because of the 'issues around' the handling of the exhibits, including the clothing in question during the intervening 19 years. If it was one of Mansfield's/Khan's clients the Judge would have been forced to direct the jury to a 'NOT GUILTY' verdict if s/he hadn't called a halt to the proceedings earlier. I can't find anything anywhere about their ability to appeal and wonder if they can because of the various hearings and other decisions made prior to the trial going ahead. It was interesting (well no, it wasn't really) to see Saint Doreen bleating on about RACISM yet again over the weekend, moaning that 'Dave' hadn't apologized? Why the fuck should he? Every other bastard has - maybe she should read Anna Racoons excellent 'piece of work around' the Lawrence/Macpherson debacle.

  8. Here we go!

  9. They can appeal but the appeal will fail.
    Imagine the consequences (and the Compensation) of success.

  10. @ Blueknight

    fiat justitia ruat caelum.

  11. "And I know they aren't in any way 'appealing' as individuals"

    No, they certainly aren't. But that shouldn't mean it's OK to change a whole country's law to 'get 'em', should it?

    As for an appeal, I would expect so. Though as Chalcedon & mitchell-images point out, it's unlikely to succeed.

    "Indeed, the Olympics could well be against a background of da yoof helping themselves to new plasma TVs."

    When you consider how stretched the police are going to be, I fear you're right...

    "Apparently miracles of forensic advance only apply in certain cases. "

    Ah, indeed! I saw the 'Echo' had the report but was run off my feet yesterday. Must have a read of it today.

    " It was interesting (well no, it wasn't really) to see Saint Doreen bleating on about RACISM yet again.."

    Indeed! If they thought this would derail the race industry, they were ALWAYS on a hiding to nothing!

  12. "fiat justitia ruat caelum."

    A lovely sentiment. But in 21st century Britain, that seems to be all it is...
