Thursday 26 January 2012

Redefining ‘Racist Chanting’…

Football fans suspected of chanting racist songs on a train back from an FA Cup match were arrested today in a series of dawn raids in south east London.
What ghastly things were they chanting?

Well, one of them (The only one? Or the only one the paper feels free to print?) is this:
The Charlton Athletic supporters are accused of chanting "There's only one Gary Dobson" in reference to the convicted killer of black teenager Stephen Lawrence.

A public order offence, maybe, but a ‘racially aggravated’ one..?


  1. This country is getting ridiculous. The law seriously needs an overhaul.

  2. "There's only one Gary Dobson" ? ... really? l'm certain that's incorrect.

    Chalcedon is wrong though ... this country IS ridiculous.

  3. Nice to see the constabulary have their priorities right: arrests for what white people say, or sing, a hands off policy for ethnic crime.



  5. Hah presumably it is only racist if you sing in English?

    What if there's a group and you say you was miming?

  6. By chanting “there’s only one Gary Dobson”, the Charlton Athletic fans were expressing their support for and glorifying the racist murder of Stephen Lawrence. That is why what they did could be described as racist chanting and racially aggravated.

  7. Dawn raids?
    Cops no longer fit for purpose

  8. Senior @ 16.08

    'By chanting “there’s only one Gary Dobson”, the Charlton Athletic fans were expressing their support for and glorifying the racist murder of Stephen Lawrence. That is why what they did could be described as racist chanting and racially aggravated.'

    Jack Straw said (taped in a Bradford mosque) the English, as a race, "are not worth saving". Complaint went to the police, nothing happened.

    Anti-racism is a code word for anti-White.


  9. "Racism" didn't used to be a problem, did it?

    I mean before they arrived.

  10. "Racism" didn't used to be a problem, did it?

    Only since the bastards of Galloway scaled Hadrian's Wall.

  11. Redefining ‘Racist Chanting’…

    And God help anyone caught reciting either "The Ballad of Innuit Nell" or "The Ball of Kirriemuir" .. ;)

  12. A salt and battered26 January 2012 at 18:05

    I had the impression you failed English at the Brixton School of Turd Sculpture, Captain.

  13. There's only one me of this name26 January 2012 at 18:08

    Here's a small flaw, and perhaps worth the defence counsel exploiting should this go to court: is there another person with the chanted name in the UK?

    If so, there is an inaccuracy in the chant that there's only one person of that name, but hardly racist.

    (Even more relevant if the other so named person is actually a person of non-whiteness)

  14. When will these people [the PCists] realize that if they f*** people over and are simultaneously oversensitive, then they'll br wound up good and proper.

    I've never ever wound anyone up but I imagine that's what happens.

  15. A salt and battered said...

    "I had the impression you failed English at the Brixton School of Turd Sculpture, Captain" ...

    Oh dear, "Doctor" Gray .. is that the best you can do ?

    Incidentally, in precisely which discipline do you hold a "Doctorate" Melvin ?

  16. I'm keeping out of this one!!!

  17. Spraying the letters BNP has been recorded as racist crime in the past.
    A defence could be that the sprayer was going to write 'BNP are racist bastards', but ran out of paint.
    The priorities were set by the last Nulabor Govt. Racism is second only to murder..

  18. "I'm keeping out of this one!!!"

    Just gaff that haddock aboard and skin it for a share, Jaded.

  19. Surprising how many people think you can put out a smouldering fire by spraying petrol on it.

  20. C'mon "Doctor" Gray .. not like you to be bashful ..

    I know you don't hold a Doctorate in Politics, because in your last foray into that sphere, you limped home behind the BNP candidate ..

    And you can't be a "Doctor" of wit .. because if wit was canvas .. you'd struggle to find enough to make a pair of puttees for a one-legged sparrow ..

    And unless you're like that "nice" Mr Christie of Rillington Place fame (he called himself "Doctor" too, you know) .. You can't be a Medical Doctor ..

    So .. dazzle us with your academic brilliance Melvin ..

    Go on, you know you want to .. ;)

  21. @Jaded - go on, get stuck in, you know you want to!

    @Cap'n Haddock - by his erudite pronouncements on all matters legal, surely it is obvious that 'a salt and battered' is LLD.

    This PC idiocy is going to end in tears. I like to think I am a fairly tolerant bloke, albeit an old git now. My attitude is increasingly 'sod the authorities, I will provide no assistance, should it be wanted'. As WoaR says, it's pouring petrol on smouldering embers.

  22. Charlton fans are hardly notorious and are not known for their hardcore hooligan fans but over the years police operations have been justified where ordinary members of the public have been put in genuine fear.
    The last time was several years ago when there was an 'arranged' meet between some Charlton meatheads and another bunch of meatheads at a local rail station, Maze Hill I think.
    But this reads like someone made a complaint about the tedious behaviour of some passengers, identified as football fans.
    In reality these twats were probably really annoying but only a tad more annoying than a carriage full of Vicki Pollards or pompous idiots on their mobile phones or playing Rhianna too loudly through their speakers in a rush hour carriage at the end of the working day - BUT the words 'Racist/Stephen Lawrence/Gary Dobson' leaped out of the report and DEFCON ONE was set at the BTP football Intel Unit and beyond - it had to be - there is no discretion when such words or phrases are mixed together OR EVEN INFERRED. What would Doreen say if she heard? Cue thousands and thousands of pounds wasted on a couple of spotty faced, probably pissed, Charlton fans. What price justice?

  23. "This country is getting ridiculous. The law seriously needs an overhaul."

    Do you think the ConDems are the ones to do it?

    ""There's only one Gary Dobson" ? ... really? l'm certain that's incorrect."

    Indeed! But no doubt if they'd sung 'There's more than one Gary Dobson' they'd have been done for threatening behaviour as well!

    As TOOMOTN points out, it's going to make for an interesting defence...

    "...expressing their support for and glorifying the racist murder of Stephen Lawrence. "

    And yet, the discrepancy is glaring, as anon points out.

    And where are the dawn raids for Muslims publically glorifying the 9/11 attacks?

    "I've never ever wound anyone up but I imagine that's what happens."

    Spot on! Football fans are nothing if not inventive in their chanting. I await developments with interest...

  24. "Surprising how many people think you can put out a smouldering fire by spraying petrol on it."

    Ah, but think of all the jobs for firemen and fire-prevention officers such a tactic creates!

    " I like to think I am a fairly tolerant bloke, albeit an old git now. My attitude is increasingly 'sod the authorities, I will provide no assistance, should it be wanted'. "

    A sentiment now shared by many, many people...

    "... over the years police operations have been justified where ordinary members of the public have been put in genuine fear. "

    If BTP had boarded and ordered them all off, to walk home, that would have been sufficient. But dawn raids? Charges?

    As you say, what price justice now? It should be blind. And that means colour-blind.

  25. Whites are guilty, a priori, of racism: see the McPherson Report,the Grauniad, the BBC, et al. We can't HELP it: its just the way we are. The quicker we're bred, murdered or white-flighted out of the country, the better, I say. Apart from that nice Polly Toynbee of course, SHE'S nice; and all the lovely liberal-guilt people as well: THEY can stay. Jack Straw,too: he hates white people so much you'd think he was black.

    Feckin sinister is what it is. You got kids? Grandkids? God help you. And them. Read up on the modern history of the Balkans: that's where WE'RE headed.

  26. Curious how the readers' comments thread to that Evening Standard article has disappeared since yesterday.

  27. ........and all this is while the policy makers, the enforcement agencies, the media etc are still predominantly white.

  28. Another viewpoint is that they are singing because they believe Gary Dobson to be innocent and will be freed on appeal?

    Nothing anti-Lawrence...just believe that the man convicted is innocent?

    So any support for someone convicted of a racist crime is illegal.....mmmm. How does that sit with ECHR?

    Dawn raids for the poppy burners?

  29. Guilty or not, had the state wanted to deport Dobson & co-convictee to face trial overseas for this offence, it could have encountered difficulty because of the likelihood of an unsafe trial.
    Consider the Mail's (circulation 2 million) photo headline of "Murderers" for example.

  30. innocent
    i have a opion and i belive gary dobson IS innocent the police and gouvement are to scared to admit it and go against doreen lawrence and prove that this media trail was wrong , the true people no gary doson is innocent , and y is it its suppose to be freedom of speach .. were i might like to know in what country , because it cerntainly is not in this one . And now we r the ROYAL GREENWICH BOUROUGH , and wat does that mean doreen lawrence knighted us lolol.take it back we dont want ur silly name we are a normal town with normal people in.
