Tuesday 17 January 2012

Respect Is A Two-Way Street…

The family are now cooperating with the police and have asked for their privacy to be respected.
And we’re supposed to overlook the fact that you demand this AFTER using the ‘Daily Mail’ to launch a bitter attack on the school for not, in your eyes, suddenly converting to a prison to restrict your drunken daughter to school premises and thereby prevent her death..?


  1. And if she had been kept at school, I'm guessing they'd be complaining about false imprisonment?

    I know schools have a duty or care but if she left on her own volition is it their fault?

  2. Blame culture at its finest.

    Of course they're going to blame the school. It couldn't possibly be the parents' fault that their daughter was drunk at school and didn't respect the teachers enough to stay where she was supposed to.

  3. "If a picture paints a thousand words" ...

  4. "And if she had been kept at school, I'm guessing they'd be complaining about false imprisonment?"

    Indeed! And the complaint about 'having to sign the resister' too.

    The schools didn't think up these barmy schemes, they were more knee-jerk reactions forced on them...

  5. Just another step on the long march of alcohol de-normalisation

  6. Apparently drink diving kills.

    Sorry, that was very bad of me.
