Saturday 28 January 2012

They Take False Claims Seriously In The Emerald Isle…

The man who falsely accused X Factor judge Louis Walsh of groping him in a nightclub has been jailed for six months.

Leonard Watters, 24, pleaded guilty to making two false reports to Irish police that the pop music mogul sexually assaulted him in Dublin nightspot Krystle last April.
Wow! Compare the usually incredibly lax response to such claims here!
Pleading for a non-custodial sentence, Watters' solicitor, Cahir O'Higgins, said his client was a tragic figure whose life had been a litany of disasters from an early age.
I see ‘mitigation’s’ the same, though…
Passing sentence, Judge Dermot Dempsey immediately granted Watters bail to appeal against the decision, on condition that he lodged 100 euro (£83.50) in cash with the court.

Watters was now a laughing stock and a joke, and had been treated as a pariah in his own community, he told the court.

"For ever and a day, he will be known as the guy who accused Louis Walsh in the wrong," he said.
Can you imagine that being said about the usual inadequate or spiteful chavette who makes a false rape claim?

No, me neither.

H/T: Mark Wadsworth via email


  1. Can you imagine that being said about the usual inadequate or spiteful chavette who makes a false rape claim?

    Not to a newspaper no. In their surrounding areas and amongst everyone who knows them is well aware they shouldn't be touched with a bargepole tho ?

    Oh yes...repeatedly. The PTB can legislate til kingdom come but gossip and truth will out.

  2. Walsh was himself involved in a false accusation brouhaha, which did not lead to police action.

    However, I don't know any of X-factor people, care even less and I can't really understand the story.

    What I think it amounts to, is that Walsh is not above handing round the slang if it suits his purposes. Allegedly.

    Sadly, this may teach people who have only a nodding acquaintance with reality how to behave so that while they are saying something, they temporarily sincerely believe it.

    X-Factor also inculcates the view that fame is all that matters, so some people will take that as a signal to seek attention.

    I'm sorry for Walsh, but he is part of an ulcerous circus which helped blur his tormentor's weak grasp of reality.

  3. Well done that Irish judge.

    The Gardai aren't as complacent as our plod. A large group of travelers invaded Knock overnight, taking over the shrine car park, the main street and dumping caravans in people's drives thus upsetting tourists, residents and pilgrims alike.

    Along come the Gardai who calmly announce that the travelers (who are as disliked there as they are over here) had two hours to haul arse otherwise the caravans would get towed and made into a big bonfire. There was no argument, no appeal. Problem rapidly solved.

    Wouldn't happen here or course.

  4. Its precisely because the RoI, very sensibly, made Trespass a criminal offence, that we're now bollocks-deep in the pikey bastards here ..

  5. "In their surrounding areas and amongst everyone who knows them is well aware they shouldn't be touched with a bargepole tho ? "

    You might hope so...

    "Sadly, this may teach people who have only a nodding acquaintance with reality how to behave..."

    Indeed! The irony is delicious, isn't it?

    "The Gardai aren't as complacent as our plod."

    And as Capt Haddock points out, that's to our disadvantage.
