Friday 13 January 2012

Where’s The Outrage?

A Nelson student who joined in a gang attack which left a schoolboy with a broken nose has walked free from court.
Just bullying? A case of ‘boys will be boys’?
Burnley Youth Court heard how the 16-year-old was said to have raised an empty glass bottle as if he was going to smash it in the victim’s face. The victim stood up after the assault and asked his assailants why they had done it. He was told: “Because you’re black*.”
The student, who cannot be named for legal reasons, admitted racially aggravated assault causing actual bodily harm. He was given a nine-month referral order and must pay £90 compensation.
How dreadful.

Where’s the protest march? Where are the screaming ‘Guardian’ headlines?
The defendant, who is at college and hopes to become an electrician, was told by the Bench not to associate with the others involved again. The chairman added: “I don’t want to see you back here ever again.”
See, we really do have a hell of a lot more to do to tackle racism, as the useless leader of our government opined just a few days ago, don’t we..?

*No. I lied.


  1. There is a growing disquiet amongst ordinary people about the inequalities and double standards of the current justice system when it comes to dealing with minorities and the majority particularly when you look at things as you did with the colours reversed.
    Sadly this does not appear to have made it into the consciousness of the MSM save only as one offs without a campaign to put it right. Nor does it appear to have attracted the attention of the government hence the lack of outrage. Other than the occasional Rhea Page case, nothing seems to elicit a response and most like this case are just brushed under the carpet.

  2. A whitey struck by a gentleman of another colour doesn't rate any interest in the media. Did you really think the chattering classes care about you or me? Did you really ever believe there was any substance in their pious calls for social justice and equality?

    We have been badly let down by our pretend journalists, ignored by shiftless politicians and left isolated by so-called experts. The gulf between the ordinary person and the self-righteous and morally superior, who incidentally draw fat wages and appoint themselves yet more glorious advantages, has never been greater.

  3. The mere fact that the incident resulted in a court appearance, considering that the victim is white, is nothing short of a miracle in itself ..

    Can TPTB really be so blind, or so stupid as not to appreciate & recognise the deep seated feelings of being disenfranchised which their actions are fermenting within the indigenous population of these islands ?

  4. To think this bastard might be wiring up your granny's house some time in the future...

  5. Lynne, if he'd attacked my son like this, I'd be wiring his testicles to the mains.

  6. Given the location of this assault I'd also put money upon the attackers being of a certain 'faith' background. Which one? You know, the one that must not be criticised: the 'ROP'. Perhaps we should rename its followers Roppers?

    Why the lack of media and police outrage over this case? We must always think of 'community cohesion' Julia old girl. It really wouldn't do to put a stick in this hornets' nest and jiggle it about now would it? Hornets are hornets and they can’t help attacking, for it’s hardwired into their nature.

  7. I am sure the Attorney General will look into whether the sentencing was too light.... well he would if the judiciary thought it was a 'real' race crime

  8. What puzzles me is that the defendant was a 16-year-old. I'm puzzled because this means he will have spent near enough his entire life in the wonderful, socialist, multi-culti, PC-laden, Labour/EU-governed UK.

    Surely, having been nurtured in this Fabian's wet dream of an environment, he would inevitably turn out a caring, sharing, enlightened Model Human Being?

    That he appears to have instead turned out a mindless savage would suggest that many of the things that progressives think and say and implement and beat us round the head with are COMPLETE FUCKING BULLSHIT rather than panaceas, no?

    Tis a puzzlement.

  9. "There is a growing disquiet amongst ordinary people about the inequalities and double standards of the current justice system..."

    Indeed. It's almost as though that is actually someone's goal, isn't it?

    "The mere fact that the incident resulted in a court appearance, considering that the victim is white, is nothing short of a miracle in itself .."

    Quite! I was rather surprised too!

    "To think this bastard might be wiring up your granny's house some time in the future..."

    You're assuming he'll pass. Hell, you're assuming he's actually attending on a regular basis!

    It seems you can claim anything in court, and it's rarely checked...

    "Given the location of this assault I'd also put money upon the attackers being of a certain 'faith' background. "

    Yup, me too.

  10. Have you noticed that when these stories (alas increasingly) appear they never have the option to add comments?

  11. XX
    Indeed. It's almost as though that is actually someone's goal, isn't it? XX

    So long winded about it, the Brits.

    Try some German efficiency and burn the Reichst.... ahh, Parliament.

    It worked for us, and PDQ!
