Monday 23 January 2012

Yeah, That’ll Work. Like A Charm…

Halliday appeared at Southend Magistrates’ Court and admitted possessing quantities of cocaine, heroin and methadone and using threatening behaviour as she argued with her former partner in Guildford Road, Southend, on September 24 last year.
Mitigation will be good, I’m sure.
A court heard Dionne Halliday, 26, was turning her life around for the sake of her son and unborn child.
Oh, here it comes..
The single mother…has since moved to Meadow Road, Barking, in a bid to turn her back on her old lifestyle.
Brilliant idea! There’s no drugs in Barking, or drug addicts!
Helen Walsh, mitigating, said: “The last few months have been very stressful for Miss Halliday, who had been in an abusive relationship for eight months. It culminated in, not long before Christmas, her former partner holding her hostage for nine days.”

Mrs Walsh added: “The drugs were in her possession, but she didn’t intend to use them. She felt that she had to look after them for her partner at the time.”
Yes, I too believe that she was just ‘holding them for a friend’. Perhaps I should be a magistrate?


  1. Anything goes. Until recently, Snaresbrook Crown Court officials were even swallowing Piss Soup.

  2. For goodness sakes....the poor woman was in an abusive relationship...even held for days as a hostage...let her off.

    I would have gone for the defence of being forced to do it by an abusive partner....but i am not a woman.

    About time we started hearing male criminals defend their actions by saying they were driven to it by the nagging harridan they live with. A bit of equality wouldn't go amiss.

  3. Love the way the defence subtly slid in the reference to Christmas ..

    So bloody what ?

    Having spent more than one Christmas patrolling the cold, wet, inhospitable "Bandit Country" over the water, my sympathy reservoir is somewhat depleted ..

    PS .. I doubt I'll ever be invited to become a Magistrate (thank Christ) .. ;)

  4. "Until recently, Snaresbrook Crown Court officials were even swallowing Piss Soup."

    Heh! Yes, it'll be interesting to see what comes of that one...

    "About time we started hearing male criminals defend their actions by saying they were driven to it by the nagging harridan they live with."

    Well, the doors have been opened to the infidelity defence. Oh, how Harriet and Vera must have gnashed their teeth at that setback!

    In fact, dear Vera opines: "It seems that parliament says infidelity doesn't count and the court says it does."

    Well, yes dear. Strange thing for a former solicitor general to suddenly realise.

    "Love the way the defence subtly slid in the reference to Christmas .."

    Probably the only time that'll come in as a defence!

  5. XX Yes, I too believe that she was just ‘holding them for a friend’. XX

    Don't wanto think what happens when he goes for a piss.
