Saturday 18 February 2012

I Can’t Afford To Live In Mayfair….

…can I call myself ‘economically homeless’?
People could be forced into “economic homelessness” because of Government cuts in Brighton and Hove.
Oh, noes! Rend those garments! Gnash those teeth!
More than 400 households in the city will be affected by the £26,000 cap, it has been revealed.

Andy Winter, chairman of Brighton Housing Trust, said: “For the first time in my lifetime we are going to see people who are going to become homeless not because of alcohol or drugs but because of economic hardship.

“This will be economic homelessness."
Or….they could just move somewhere that they can aff – sorry, I meant ‘we’ can afford?

Naturally, to the Greens, this is some sort of disaster, though gawd knows why, surely only rich lunatics can afford to vote Green and so won’t be affected?
Ms Lucas described the numbers as “deeply alarming”.

She said: “At a time of increased joblessness, economic uncertainty and ever increasing living costs, the Government’s determination to slash benefits to meet targets rather than on the basis of genuine need is having a devastating effect on the most vulnerable in this city.”
You know what, Caroline? That ‘increased joblessness, economic uncertainty and ever increasing living costs’ also affects the taxpayer too.

And we’re totally sick of being fleeced to pay for the sponging classes.


  1. Yes, I know its from the "Wail" .. but Loopy Lucas isn't gonna enjoy hearing this one little bit ..

  2. Lucas, the classic archetype water-melon.

    To get £26K a year I would have to earn, through this thing I like to call “work”, at least £35K. These days this is hardly the case and I do fine on my significantly lower income.

    Why the hell should I pay all that tax, slaving away to pay the ones who contribute nothing and get far more?

  3. The Greenies are a curious bunch. As essentially totalitarian fascists hell bent on ruining everything without knowing anything, something made them reject the usual convention of joining the Communist party and the attendant pledge of allegiance to the Red Flag.

    Instead they wrapped up their lunacy in a new movement that had some success in Germany (which in itself should tell us something unpleasant) and was eagerly replicated elsewhere.

    But as they have no base of contributing anything other than whinging and griping, their 'party' can never go anywhere. Yet bizarrely they still get coverage and 'respect' on the barmier fringes of the MSM.

    So what we, the people, are learning is that if a Green says something it must by default be either unrealistic, inaccurate, stupid or just plain selfish.

  4. Melonaid, that's why they are called watermelons - green on the surface but red all the way through

  5. Call me naive if you wish but if the benefits are reduced won't this cause a re-evaluation by landlords and therefore a reduction in rents? (unless of course they want empty properties).

    The situation is exactly like that of 'legal aid' where because we tax-payers get to fund every incompetent, barely qualified and inexperienced solicitor, the absolute least the worst of them will work for is £105 per hour (Oh isn't it coincidental that that is the rate payed for by legal aid).

    So only the uber rich and those receiving tax-payer funded largess can afford legal representation. Or here, only the rich or those on benefits can afford the damned rents!

  6. Spot on Able, cap housing benefit and watch rents decrease accordingly.

    Funny how twats like Ms Lucas ( if you have a strong stomach go to iPlayer and hear her on Any Questions this week) have a touching faith in markets in one breath and loath them with the next.

    I never hear the likes of her advocating that all the hard working, small and cramped house living, struggling to pay the utility and food bills type folk out there, getting their wages topped UP to the magical £25,000 a year courtesy of the State, do you?

  7. Thanks to the encouragement of Ms Lucas and the Brighton Greens, a number of 'nomadic folk' are presently parked up at Devils Dyke Road, living their 'traditional' tax free, rent free existence...again.

  8. "...but Loopy Lucas isn't gonna enjoy hearing this one little bit .."

    Tough! I suspect she's going to hear it a lot.

    "Why the hell should I pay all that tax, slaving away to pay the ones who contribute nothing and get far more?"

    A question many people are asking themselves...

    "Call me naive if you wish but if the benefits are reduced won't this cause a re-evaluation by landlords and therefore a reduction in rents? "

    Not necessarily. Not if there really are people willing to move in at the same rent, paying a premium to be closer to work.

    It's interesting times, isn't it?

    "I never hear the likes of her advocating that all the hard working, small and cramped house living, struggling to pay the utility and food bills type folk out there, getting their wages topped UP to the magical £25,000 a year courtesy of the State, do you?"

    Nope. Probably because she knows they are still unlikely to vote Green, unless they want to see all that 'top up' go on higher living costs!

    " their 'traditional' tax free, rent free existence...again."

    Ah, yes. The 'traditions' of the traveller.

  9. I really honestly couldn't give a flying shit about the dole bludging bastards, because these simpering do gooders couldn't care if I lost my job, home etc. So if you can't live on £26K, you can always try working for a living, there are employment agencies will get you some temporary low paid manual work, alternatively take a trip to greece and see some actual(leftist) government enforced poverty.

  10. All benefits should be scrapped and replaced with a single, non-transferrable, tax-exempt cash lump sum. And the total amount available should be much, much less than £26,000.
