Thursday 23 February 2012

I Do Hope It Wasn't His 'Signing On' Hand....

Police have issued a stark warning after a young man suffered serious injuries to his hand when a firework exploded.

The 22-year-old is currently in Derriford Hospital where he is awaiting a full assessment of his injuries, which is understood to include the near loss of his thumb and one of his fingers.
Why so harsh, it could have been an accident after all...

Police have confirmed that they received reports at around 4.41pm on Thursday of "youths throwing fireworks" in Trevithick Road, Kings Tamerton, close to the Marine Academy Plymouth.

Police were told four males in their late teens were acting in an antisocial manner, shouting and hurling fireworks while children were still leaving the school

However, a few minutes later police were contacted by a lone rapid response paramedics who had been called to Kings Tamerton Road to treat a 22-year-old suffering severe injuries to his hand.
And they weren't called because the paramedic thought a crime had been committed, oh no:
The paramedic, from the South Western Ambulance Service, had called upon the assistance of police after being surrounded by a group of increasingly aggressive youths as he treated the injured man.

Meanwhile, in Leicester, Pavlov's Cat points to this oh-so-nearly-a-Darwin-Award-contender:
Father-of-two Michael Harper (36) suffered serious burns and has been left permanently disfigured by the blast, which happened at an electricity sub-station under a railway arch in Constitution Hill, Highfields, Leicester.
Sadly, as he's already bred, he's ineligible. But it does serve to prove there's no honour in (metal) thieves:
While he lay on the floor on fire, accomplice Richard Boyce (50) took his car keys and tried to drive off.
Recorder Michael Stephens told Harper: "You have suffered a punishment, it seems to me, already."
Not enough of one. Now he'll get to claim disability!


  1. not only will he claim disability but we'll have to fund all his future very costly medical bills and no doubt support his ghastly offspring and baby-mother.

  2. A client of mine commissions and maintains electricity sub-stations and has seen at first hand the incredible damage that messing with one of these things can wreak upon the human body...

    One potential thief was virtually vaporised, on another occasion the thief was basically exploded everywhere... Gruesome don't come into it.

    Some people are, basically, idiots.

  3. It also shows the poor standard of parenting skills, I would imagine he lacked a father figure.

    Because for sure one of the first things my father taught me after "Don't eat yellow snow" was "Don't piss on an electric fence" or in this case a sub-station capacitor

    ta for the linkage

  4. "While he lay on the floor on fire"

    I find myself on the horns of a dilemma. If I had witnessed this, would I have crossed the road to piss on him? I honestly don't know. It's very funny, anyway.

  5. "...but we'll have to fund all his future very costly medical bills and no doubt support his ghastly offspring and baby-mother."

    Oh, yes. I'd forgotten them. :(

    "Some people are, basically, idiots."

    And that percentage seems to be growing, year on year...

    "It also shows the poor standard of parenting skills, I would imagine he lacked a father figure. "

    Indeed! And is now passing that on.

    "I find myself on the horns of a dilemma. If I had witnessed this, would I have crossed the road to piss on him? "


  6. One has nearly lost a hand and the other crippled for life?
    Sometimes there is justice in the world.
