Friday 10 February 2012

I'm Just Not Seeing The 'Value', Mate, Sorry...

A teenager has been given a two-year ASBO banning him from parts of Sinfin and wearing gang colours.

The order forbids 16-year-old Reuben Branford from various actions including entering certain parts of Sinfin, including the area around Asda and the housing area bordered by Grampian Way, Sinfin Lane, Redwood Road and Areleston Lane, and wearing purple or red bandanas or shoe laces or being with anyone who is wearing them in Derby.
A chavtastic comment thread contains this little gem:
by Eblis777

“If you look into Reuben's eyes, you will see his past addiction to soft drugs, his occasional use of hard drugs and his desperation to fit in to a meaningful existence. This desire to fit into something is natural and something every young boy strives for. However, if you take away the youth clubs, take away the funding for recreational resources such as land, buildings, personnel and equipment, then what are you left with? What has Sinfin got in terms of sporting facilities? Tennis courts? Football pitches? Swimming pools? Cricket fields? Activity parks? Forests to walk around in to explore mother nature at her best? No. None of these things in the right meaningful measures to entice young people away from a life of illusion such as this 'Thug Life' existence. This is not Reuben's fault, this is the government's fault for taking funds for such measures away and ploughing them into propping up financial stables made of cards. The sooner the Government realises that the real value of Britain lies more in the youth of today and less in the financial systems of yesterday, then the sooner Britain will once again become a Nation that other countries will aspire to be. God, how I miss the 'Great' in Britain.”
Well, maybe it's just me. Can anyone else see any value in Reuben?


  1. The only 'value' I see in Reuben is putting the little cnut down humanely and using him for organ transplants.
    Times this bt several thousand and the problems of 'feral youth' goes away forever...

  2. Does anyone see these sorts of statements as effectively "extorting money by menaces"

    Either spoil us or we'll riot?

    Fuck that - as was cleasr with the Londn riots, if the policwe had steamed in on the first day and clubbed those feral twats, that would have been that..

    And bluntly fuck the Guardian and their aquelas opf wayyycism

  3. Unless they've removed a lot of comments the thread doesn't look that chavtastic to me?

    Anyway I note that Eblis777 also imparts the wisdom that Reuben is "hurting himself more than others" and that we need to "take ownership" of his difficulties. Or something.

  4. "Can anyone else see any value in Reuben?"

    Yep, he serves as an excellent "bad example".

    And would excel in some sort of human-based land mine clearance scheme.

    "Does anyone see these sorts of statements as effectively "extorting money by menaces""

    I thought the same watching some thug on the East Midlands news proclaiming that if he hadn't been given our money to tour the world Djing he'd be on the streets causing trouble.


    And the BBC reporter seemed to support his point of view.

  5. Pity his poor parents. Mr and Mrs Bradford will have to endure the disapproval of any work colleagues who read about this.

  6. Keep the red flag wiping high10 February 2012 at 13:42

    "This is not Reuben's fault"

    Ah yes, the whining of the collectivists. You see, with the collectivists help everyone is merely a drone, and has no personal responsibility or aim. Thanks to our socialist masters, we will all soon be happy to be the victim of someone else's fault.

  7. "....this is the government's fault for taking funds for such measures away and ploughing them into propping up financial stables made of cards."

    Glass horses shouldn't throw stones? Shutting the stable doors before the cart has bolted?

    I appreciate the effort but, really, WTF?

  8. eblis777 - clearly a self-righteous, leftist, psychobabbling tit.

  9. Value? As fuel perhaps, but little else.

  10. "Can anyone else see any value in Reuben ? " ..

    Yes .. he looks like pretty good Fig. 11 target material to me .. ;)

  11. Wot chance do our yoof 'ave wivvout dem forests ta do de nature ting in?

    Forests fer all, innit.

  12. "... and using him for organ transplants."

    If they work as well as his brain, no thanks!

    "Does anyone see these sorts of statements as effectively "extorting money by menaces""

    That's exactly what they are.

    "Unless they've removed a lot of comments the thread doesn't look that chavtastic to me?"

    It's not the longest, that's for sure. I thought it was longer when I originally read it, though.I don't know how this paper does their modding - maybe they disappear comments completely?

    "And the BBC reporter seemed to support his point of view."

    Not surprising - we fork over the readies to keep them out of trouble and off the streets too!

  13. "Mr and Mrs Bradford will have to endure the disapproval of any work colleagues who read about this."


    "I appreciate the effort but, really, WTF?"

    Bless! He knows some of the catchphrases, but just can't get them quite right.

    "Forests fer all, innit."

    Complete with wolfpacks...

  14. My cousin is a human being and you people disgust me hiding behind computer screens, young people make mistakes how else do they learn? So your ideas are to kill someone because they've made a mistake? And yet you think you're better? Give me a break you need to mature as human beings and focus on how you need to change. Stop judging people you don't know by what the media feeds you.
