Thursday 16 February 2012

"No I'm not supposed to, but everybody does it"

A man has won £18,000 damages after his ex-girlfriend probed his...
Whoa! This is a family blog!
...medical records while working at Derriford Hospital.

Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust was ordered to pay the sum to Sean Grinyer, aged 33, of Crownhill, at a county court civil hearing.
The court heard the data protection breach and its aftermath significantly affected Mr Grinyer's mental health, aggravating an existing paranoid personality disorder...
I thought you weren't paranoid if they were out to get you?
He said the woman first used the information to challenge him about his mental health history when they were together in 2007.

Mr Grinyer told the hearing she had stated: "No I'm not supposed to, but everybody does it".
The court heard the health care assistant was informally verbally disciplined, but that information was not released to Mr Grinyer as it was stated to be confidential.
Ironic, eh?


  1. I find the best response to accusations of paranoia is to say “Who told you to say that?” while affecting a nervous twitch.

    Works every time.

  2. Forget informally verbally disciplined, she should have been sacked.

  3. "No I'm not supposed to, but everybody does it."

    What a reassuring statement from a caring professional. And how well it speaks of NHS standards in general. Bless those sainted public sector workers!

  4. I know it happens in banking too. I worked at the Head Office of A.N.Other bank with whom the late and unlamented Fred West had teken out a Home Improvement Loan (Yes, we know NOW! (cue assorted "putting some body in the foundation" jokes)) during the media frenzy at the time a number of people got into well deserved trouble for adding the wrong customers comments to that account. However, the Law is there for a good reason and salacious interest aside her actions were driven by malice.

  5. Oh God, if everyone in the NHS does it then they will know about my piles :(

  6. "Forget informally verbally disciplined, she should have been sacked."


    "However, the Law is there for a good reason and salacious interest aside her actions were driven by malice."

    Which is another good reason for a P45.
