Saturday, 4 February 2012

Ooooh, Where’s My Tiny Violin?

A pregnant woman was forced to sleep on friends’ sofas over Christmas despite being weeks away from qualifying for a council-funded home.
Oh noes! Positively Dickensian! What about her husba…

The single mum-to-be felt her shared house was inappropriate as she was suffering complications with her pregnancy so looked for a property as the council said it could advance her money.

The former retail manager said the council then u-turned on the offer of part funding her rent and, having left her accommodation in Tolworth, she was left homeless over Christmas.
Cruelly deceived not just by a man, but now by the council! Oh, it’s all too much!
She said: “I am gobsmacked to why they have done it to me. Being pregnant is stressful enough, you don’t want anything on top of that.”
A council spokesman said Miss Hodgkinson left her accommodation against the council’s advice and funds could not be provided at the time because it was awaiting Local Housing Allowance (LHA) rates for January.
Ah, so the council didn’t advise she decamped?
The council spokesman said the council was willing to continue providing Miss Hodgkinson with advice and support.
Said ‘advice’ presumably not restricted to ‘How about keeping your legs together on occasion?’…


  1. Surely her wages or her redundancy package would have run to a packet of three ? ...

    And the bloke responsible is in urgent need of a referral to Spec-Savers .. ;)

  2. For the record:

    The spokesman said single parents under 25 with one child qualified for a two-bedroom LHA housing benefit but this would only apply when the baby was born.

    What do over-25s qualify for, I wonder?

  3. "A pregnant woman was forced to sleep on friends’ sofas over Christmas"


    Over Christmas I heard about a pregnant woman who was forced to give birth in a stable !

  4. "Over Christmas I heard about a pregnant woman who was forced to give birth in a stable ! " ..

    Which is why Jesus wasn't born in Tolworth .. they couldn't find Three Wise Men & a Virgin .. ;)

  5. Oi!

    Where's our resident onanist?

    We're lacking his snarky riposte to the Cap'n's joke.

  6. Former retail manager at 20? For God's sake, my well of sympathy is running dry, years ago they had adoption and the girl got on with life and the child had a half decent upbringing, now we have life on the state for the mother and the child going feral.

    Ah well have a good weekend folks.


  7. Magnus-at least he's leaving me alone!!

    Perhaps he has increased the dosage?

  8. at least he's leaving me alone

    If only he could leave himself alone too...

  9. "And the bloke responsible is in urgent need of a referral to Spec-Savers "



    Over Christmas I heard about a pregnant woman who was forced to give birth in a stable !"


    "Former retail manager at 20? For God's sake, my well of sympathy is running dry.."

    Mine too.
