Saturday 11 February 2012

The Parade Of The Incorrigibles Pt II

A career criminal will serve longer in jail after telling a judge to shut up and calling him ‘sunshine’.

The disruptive behaviour of Henry McGrath, who represented himself during an earlier trial, led Judge Patrick Eccles to find him in contempt of court.
A ‘career criminal’? Well, yes. He has 120 previous convictions
McGrath was last month given a four-year sentence having been convicted of five counts of handling stolen goods, four charges of making off with fuel without payment and a theft.

The 55-year-old was sentenced at Oxford Crown Court on Friday for his contemptuous behaviour following the often-interrupted two-week trial, which culminated in McGrath’s refusal to leave his cell to hear the jury’s verdicts or his sentence.

In a note handed to staff, he wrote: “Trial judge, see you and your friends in the Court of Appeal.

“If you can deny me justice I can deny you my presence. OK, yah?”
Can’t we find an island somewhere, to transport these wastes of oxygen?
Sentencing McGrath for the contempt, Judge Eccles said: “It seems to me, there being no evidence of contrition, there must be a sentence of imprisonment.

“The matter is so serious it can only be dealt with in that way and it must be consecutive (to the existing four-year term).

“The sentence I pass is one of six months.”
I’m sure that’ll teach him a lesson.


  1. Do the judges and the courts not know what contempt they are widely held in then? It's not a secret.

    However, the defendant is wrong about the reasons for that. The public don't think it's because the judge is in league with the prosecution; they think its because the beaks are in league with defence or maybe the devil but in any event, definitely not with justice.

    McGrath is stupid; the judge is his bezzie mate, possibly his only one.

  2. Can’t we find an island somewhere, to transport these wastes of oxygen?

    We had one. It is called Australia.

  3. "Can’t we find an island somewhere, to transport these wastes of oxygen ? "

    HMP South Georgia has a nice ring to it .. ;)

  4. "McGrath is stupid; the judge is his bezzie mate, possibly his only one" ...

    Can't disagree WOAR .. though in truth, it must have been pretty comical, considering that most of these Judges are complete knob-ends .. It would have made me laugh ...

  5. Contemptuously yours11 February 2012 at 13:02

    Some say that no matter what the crime is or the criminal is guilty of, the one thing that infuriates judges is contempt of court.

    If a vicious, anti-social crimiscrote is polite to the beak in court they tend, it would appear, to get let off. But cross that faint line and call the judge names and dear God, the penalties are instant.

    Good to know how our justice system works.

    WV = dedicap = old fashioned headgear worn by hanging judges

  6. "We had one. It is called Australia."

    As Capt points out, we have others. I prefer Gruinard myself.

    "Some say that no matter what the crime is or the criminal is guilty of, the one thing that infuriates judges is contempt of court."

    Spot on.
