Thursday, 2 February 2012

YONA Alert!

A 15-year-old has been rushed to hospital with stab wounds following a large fight in Grove Park today.

One witness claimed that around 50 youths, some armed with weapons, were fighting in Downham Way when the teenager was injured.
Is this another case of 'Feel the vibrancy!'..?


  1. Close off the park and only let out the winner - that way the gene pool will be cleaned.

  2. Yet another case of NHI ...

    Let 'em crack on, says I .. with any luck, they'll eventually eradicate each other ..

  3. Once a good old fashioned white working class neighbourhood with loads of domestic violence and fantastic GBH's over the weekend at The Downham Tavern in and the late unlamented Governor General in nearby Whitefoot Lane - all on Downham. All Part of the magic of nearby Catford.

    So scuzzy were the denizens of this particular swamp viz Downham and Bellingham that I understand that on Thurs/Fri & Sat nights the Bromley constabulary would set up a check point at the top of Bromley Hill as part of the exclusion zone to such people from entering saintly Bromley.
    Now the whole area is a shit-hole. Yes Brom-a-lee too. Vibrant to a degree all over the shop but Grove PArk is certainly MORE vibrant these days. Let's not forget that DUWAYNE BROOKS, is now a LIBERAL councillor for Downham.
    Nice direct bus routes from Blackheath to Grove Park too wiv da stoodents of Blackheath Bluecoats and St Joseph's particularly vibrant and troublesome.

  4. We shouldn't worry about this sort of thing. It's almost certainly an example of cultural diversity that we should all celebrate.

  5. Ranter-spot on.I worked at Bromley and more than half of the arrests I made were from Downham.

    It's the New Addington of Lewisham.High praise indeed!.

  6. Excuse me. I was taking my evening stroll with mouse when I appear to have accidentally stepped in pig blog.

  7. "Let 'em crack on, says I .. with any luck, they'll eventually eradicate each other .."

    While it's just knives, fine. When it progresses to guns, humans can get caught in the crossfire.

    "Let's not forget that DUWAYNE BROOKS, is now a LIBERAL councillor for Downham. "

    Good point!

    "It's the New Addington of Lewisham.High praise indeed!."

    That name crops up a lot. Mostly as a place to avoid.
