Wednesday 21 March 2012

And That Means…What?

Two teenage boys who lured a young girl into bushes to sexually assault her have been locked up.

Kyle Liam Marsay, 18, and a 17-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, repeatedly targeted the girl, who was aged under 10.

I wonder if mitigation will be a Herculean effort here?
Marsay’s barrister said: “There is little to be said but to point out that these two were rather introverted, lonely, computer game players.”


  1. It is scaremongering, pure and simple. Sadly, it will no doubt be used as 'evidence' to justify some future governmental crackdown.

  2. It wos RPGs wot dunnit? That's supposed to be mitigation?

    What about the millions of gamesters who don't go out and rape kiddies because they are not evil scumbags?


  3. So they'll be sent to a 'young offenders institution' where (in between lessons in house-breaking, assaulting pensioners, rioting if you don't get an iThing or enuf rispeckt innit) they'll get to...

    .. play computer games constantly on the free Xbox/playstation and 42" telly in their 'cells' all funded by we gullible tax-payers.

    I'd say it was ironic if it wasn't, depressingly, the only reaction the 'Justice' system ever produces (I wonder what the result would be if it was the ten year old daughter of the judge or a politician).

  4. Hexe Froschbein21 March 2012 at 13:46

    Pass me my +10 gelding shears...

  5. If I was into computer games I would be pretty furious about this.

  6. " Sadly, it will no doubt be used as 'evidence' to justify some future governmental crackdown."

    The 'computers bad!' meme seems to be rather prevalent lately.

    "That's supposed to be mitigation?"

    They keep using that word; I do not think it means what they think it means...

    "Pass me my +10 gelding shears..."


  7. I know both of these boys and what was said of them was wrong. The conviction was wrong to there was no evidence just word of mouth alone. Introvert I can definatly say that for one, who is a very close friend and may I say I am his only friend he suffers aspergers syndrome and due to his dads upbringinging and I swear on my life I am not exagerating this in 18 years of his life he has not been out his front door unaccompanied he has no idea what the world is really like. He was not capable of this crime at all. This is written from a victim of a more severe but similar crime. Children now in this day and age are far more aware of the workings of an adult relationship I kid you not. Everyman in this country should be scared at what hangs between their legs. These false allegation could happen to anyone !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Why are you sticking up for the little pervert?!

  8. Oh and if it gives anyone satifaction they are not in young offender institutions. I will tell you this though we will not rest till the truth is known and both names cleared.

  9. I also know one of these young lads and can honestly say I truely believe he is guilty as I had to report him to the police myself after discovering at a young age he was obsessed with sex and also young girls!!! As for him being reclusive and not going out without his father what a load of bull!! His father spent most of his time in the pub totally unaware what his son was doing!!!!! All his fathers friends are alcoholics and drug abusers the kid didnt stand a chance. Kiddy fiddling little pervert wants locking up for life!! Its wasn't the first time he messed with a young girl and im convinced it won't be the last!!!!!!!
