Monday 12 March 2012

Another Everyday Story Of Underclass Folks…

Mark Hicks, 34, of Preston Drive, Brigg, admitted assaulting Darlene Richards on November 26.

Deborah Gibson, prosecuting, told North Lincolnshire magistrates that an argument flared between the couple and Miss Richards decided to leave her home in Cherry Tree Avenue, Brigg. Hicks pushed her out of the way, causing a cut on her face.

The police arrived and Hicks was aggressive, the court heard.
Ah, yes. Because getting aggressive when the police turn up is a great idea, isn’t it?
Officers used a Taser but Hicks continued being verbally aggressive and shouted that Raoul Moat – the man who went on a gun rampage and shot three people – would "have nothing on him". He continued being aggressive while in police custody, the court heard.
I can’t wait for the mitigation…
David Rix, mitigating, said Hicks acted in a "moment of complete stupidity"...
Quite a long ‘moment’, that, isn’t it?

I mean, assault, then getting police to come, then getting you Tased, arrested, booked in to custody….

That’s got to be a fair few minutes, if not hours.
… but Miss Richards had forgiven him and they were back together.
Hicks, who is in the third year of a degree course at Lincoln University, was given a six-month supervision order and was told to pay £200 costs.

I just….

What the hell is he studying? Please don’t tell me it’s a law degree!


  1. Captain Haddock12 March 2012 at 09:36

    "What the hell is he studying ?"

    Practical applied electrical conductivity for beginners, perhaps ? ... ;)

  2. He'll get a pass for that then! :)

  3. It was all Bullshit and he was vilified unduefully and the court system played like a fiddle. This perfect partner and mother has since abandoned her children, it's been a year and a half ........... Guess it's good to know the full story. Shame the stupid part in your blog isn't about how duped everyone was by the lies of this sick twisted manipulative woman but then again why would you care to get the real account when you can blog any shit these days.

  4. Anonymous,

    Are you talking about Darlene? Do you know here. I'm trying to track her down. Please give me any info.
