Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Answered Your Own Question There, Doreen?

The Lawrence family last night demanded that the Metropolitan Police explain why it never showed them the files or revealed their existence. Doreen Lawrence said: "Had we known even a scintilla of this in the last 18 years, we would have been shouting it from the rafters."
Errr, yes. Precisely. I guess that's why they didn't show you?

And yes, these were only allegations:
Davidson never faced criminal charges and was allowed to retire on ill health grounds to run a bar on the Spanish island of Menorca after prosecutors decided there was a lack of corroborating evidence.
I wonder what the Lawrence family would have had to say had someone pressed for unproven allegations about her son’s activities to be published?


  1. Captain Haddock7 March 2012 at 10:01

    When, oh when will this bloody woman STFU ?

    There are men & women 1000 times more useful than her oh-so-sainted son would ever have been, who've been murdered, whilst on active service, or indeed within UK barracks .. but no-one within TPTB wants to listen to their parents ..

    What does she actually want & makes her think she's so sodding special ?

  2. "I wonder what the Lawrence family would have had to say had someone pressed for unproven allegations about her son’s activities to be published?"

    Open any remaining police blog to find it full of innuendo re black people, Julia.

    What's that? you do read police blogs and cannot recall having to brush away the festoons of filth and heavily encrusted lies? Well, that's the nature of Alzheimer's when complicated by bigotry, my dear.

    Your new fanclub of vile and dishonest police, such as WPC Jade D, will be ready to state anything and spew their own unproven allegations in support of your recent course change.

  3. Cops had a possible chance to save Stephen (like at least looking him over properly and finding he's been stabbed) and they fucked the enquiry. The rest is some vapid cover-up of this, including the racism crud. I suspect it would have been no different for some poor white lad. Frankly, I don't even trust the latest convictions.
    I don't agree with Haddy on Stephen per se but I do on the more general point that there's plenty more wants opening up and the race content of this one is all we get and I'm sick of it.

  4. "...unproven allegations about her son’s activities..."

    Like dealing in someone else's manor, for example?

    Pure (widespread) conjecture, of course.

  5. Davidson is linked to the cabal that murdered Daniel Morgan. This goes deep and shows why we call the police "the filth".

  6. I would actually welcome this if it could be proved that the Lawrence inquiry was ruined by a corrupt DS.Then it would be his fault instead of "every officers fault for being racist".I would then accept an apology from all the quarters that screamed that phrase from the roof-tops.(I tried to put this comment on the Daily Mail website but they wouldn't publish it-wonder why?).

    If this DS is proven to be corrupt then throw away the key as he has tainted every one of us with his actions.But some evidence first please.

    PS Melvin please give examples of my dishonesty.Easy to be a keyboard warrior isn't it?

  7. There may have been a crooked DC, but where's the money in that?
    Racism and Diversity has launched many careers and made a lot of people a lot of money.
    It looks as if I have been falsely accused of being institutionally racist.
    That made the last 10 years of my job a lot harder and I want compensation and an apology..

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. @ Blueknight
    "That made the last 10 years of my job a lot harder and I want compensation and an apology.."

    Sorry and do you have change for 50p?

  10. @ Blueknight
    "That made the last 10 years of my job a lot harder and I want compensation and an apology.."

    Sorry and do you have change for 50p?

  11. "What does she actually want..."

    Like all mothers of murdered children, I expect she wants her son back. And since she can't have that, she's clearly decided that badmouthing the UK will do instead.

    "Open any remaining police blog to find it full of innuendo re black people, Julia. "

    Funny, I don't think I've seen any.

    Lots of innuendo about criminals, yes, and the sort of 'community' that always seeks to blame others for their own misdeeds, but it's seldom boiled down to race.

    " I suspect it would have been no different for some poor white lad."

    Spot on!

    "Pure (widespread) conjecture, of course."

    Of course! ;)

  12. "This goes deep and shows why we call the police "the filth"."

    Keep up, Ciaran!

    It's 'the Feds' or 'po po' these days. Gotta be down wiv da kidz, innit?

    "Then it would be his fault instead of "every officers fault for being racist"."

    Ahhh, you know it won't be that simple, don't you?

    "There may have been a crooked DC, but where's the money in that?
    Racism and Diversity has launched many careers and made a lot of people a lot of money."

    Yup! Always follow the money...
