Sunday, 4 March 2012

Don’t You Just Hate It When This Happens?

There you are, reading an awful tale of a depraved man entrapped by the police and sent to The Big House before he can harm children:
A father of six who said he dreamed of abusing young girls has been jailed for two years after being caught in a police sting operation.
And then…you note his name:
…Robert Badcock, of High Street, Braintree...

After you’ve wiped the unbidden tears of mirth from your eyes, you move on to the pleas by his defence:
Mitigating, defence barrister Richard Conley said Badcock was a "long-standing naturist" and was "brought into more dangerous practices" via a number of websites and contacts.


  1. Those flesh coloured pixels4 March 2012 at 17:20

    Thank God for porn on the internet. I mean, no one had ever thought of bad things before tinterwebs came along to corrupt us, right?

    It's so easy to blame too, 'cos its everywhere. We can have victims purely through other people's online evil.

    In short, look at a bunch of pixels, go haywire.

  2. Captain Haddock4 March 2012 at 17:37

    This just gets more amusing, the more one reads ..

    " ... defence barrister Richard CONley .. "

    " .. said Badcock was a "LONG-STANDING naturist ... " .. ;)

  3. "brought into more dangerous practices" via a number of websites and contacts.

    Frying without an apron springs to mind

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. " I mean, no one had ever thought of bad things before tinterwebs came along to corrupt us, right?"

    Oh, of course not! But much easier to crack down on the Internet than deal with these people as they should be dealt with.

    "This just gets more amusing, the more one reads .."


    "Frying without an apron springs to mind.."


  6. It could have been worse - he might have been poorly endowed....

  7. A footballer was arrested for rape last year (charges were dropped btw).

    David Goodwillie.
