Thursday, 1 March 2012

Hell Hath No Fury…

…like a woman drug addict scorned:
A woman downloaded child porn from the internet in an act of “twisted revenge” against her common-law husband, a jury at Worcester Crown Court heard.

The woman complained to police that he had accessed the vile images – but later laughed in a school playground about how she had “set him up” after suspecting he was having an affair behind her back, said defence barrister Samantha Powis.
Utterly vile…
The mother-of-two also told police their daughter had revealed she had a secret about her father’s behaviour to her when she was five years old.

The girl claimed in an interview that her father molested her one morning as she lay in bed at the family home in Madresfield, near Malvern, between May 1, 2009 and May 31, 2010.
And thank god we still have a jury system:
The jury took only 20 minutes to clear him of all three charges by unanimous verdicts.
Only 20 minutes? They must have liked the coffee!
The accused – who cannot be identified to protect the child – told the court that his former partner suffered from paranoia, wrongly suspected him of an affair and had difficulty getting up in the morning due to drug addiction.
The perfect witness for the Crown, then? And I suppose she'll face no charges herself?

H/T: Robert Hale via email


  1. Poor girl. It was, I'm sure, a cry for help.

    She probably had a deprived childhood. I expect her parents didn't even buy her genuine Adidas or Reebok trainers.

    Still, on the bright side, she will probably now be provided with a nice flat and sufficient benefits to maintain her habit comfortably.

  2. They can go after her for possession of KP, then the man can make a credible bid for the child to be transferred to his keeping.

    I hope he takes legal advice quickly as his chances will be improved the sooner he reacts.

    BTW, there's no such thing as a common law husband.

  3. And if the man had not been prosecuted your response would have been.......................

  4. Captain Haddock1 March 2012 at 22:05

    This whole story, for me, raises more questions than it answers ..

    "The prosecution conceded in the three-day hearing that the mother was a drug taker, had falsely set up the defendant over child porn and that there was no medical evidence to support its case. In December last year, the Crown Prosecution Service interviewed the girl to assess her credibility and to find out if her evidence to police had been prompted by coaching.

    But Miss Powis said the girl showed no distress or trauma when officers went to her school and spoke to her in the presence of her headmistress about the alleged sexual abuse" ...

    Why was the Father even charged, let alone prosecuted ?

    Given all the aforegoing, which was apparently known to the CPS before they proceeded ..

    It sounds very much like some extremely questionable decision making on the part of the CPS ..

  5. Oh this is a touch too close to the bone for me! And yes, my sympathy is with the man.

    I too was accused of downloading child pornography by my ex (an alcoholic, with a history of mental health problems, backed up by statements made by her teen-aged daughter) during a contested access hearing about my son.

    The facts? (after being detained, searched and the house and all my property ransacked) the one and only episode of downloading of any porn on my computer was timed and dated to have occurred when I was at work (as a nurse, with multiple witnesses) , it was apparently not child pornography but some mainstream 'teen' porn at that.

    All this was revealed in court (unfortunately the Family Court so sympathy and support and no repercussions for her). Her excuse? She had emptied my bank accounts, run up debts in my name and wanted more which I could not afford and so she wanted to score points, also she knew my son wanted to stay with me and she wanted the additional benefits and housing that she (not I of course) would get. The result? She of course got custody of my son. I get recorded in Childrens Services file as having been accused (no recording of the fact that it was entirely false and malicious), how perfect British 'justice' is!

    Anonymous 19.16 - the point is that it was plain from the outset that there were questions about the accusation. The correct course would have been to gather the evidence before making a judgement of guilt (or does 'innocent before being proven guilty' only work if you are a female or of the religion of peace?).

    She will, as they all do, get off Scot free, and probably get some extra benefits and 'help' to boot.

    The system is so broken it is beyond fixing.

  6. Captain Haddock

    "Why was the Father even charged, let alone prosecuted ?"

    Because that is standard procedure and accepted practice at the CPS , as it is for the police and social workers.

    How do I know? i have a letter I received after complaining about my own experiences and treatment in which the area social work manager stated explicitly:

    " the truth or otherwise of a statement made by a woman is irrelevant.... Our role requires only that we record what is said accurately and then take appropriate action"

    So watch out, all it takes is a woman to accuse you and you are guilty, and will be treated as such, however questionable the source, accusation and however much evidence is plainly there to disprove it.

    As cynical as I am even i could never have foreseen this sheer feminist lunacy becoming standard, accepted practice.

    (I'll just go and lock myself up, as as a man I'm bound to be guilty of something at the moment)

  7. "Still, on the bright side, she will probably now be provided with a nice flat and sufficient benefits to maintain her habit comfortably."


    "...then the man can make a credible bid for the child to be transferred to his keeping. "

    I'd hope so. And I think this is the first time in a long time I've seen the old-fashioned term 'common-law husband'.

    "And if the man had not been prosecuted your response would have been...."

    It would have been 'Well done CPS!'. Judgement is what we supposedly pay you for.

    "It sounds very much like some extremely questionable decision making on the part of the CPS .."

    As Able points out, the CPS has been infested with political correctness, and while they will bin your burglary or assault unless you have a bishop as witness and glossy satellite images of the entire crime, they're terrified of the backlash from the feminists if they don't jump when a woman yells...

  8. "Why was the Father even charged, let alone prosecuted ?"

    Rhetorical question I take it.

  9. I wonder how long she'll get for downloading child porn?...Just kidding.
