Thursday 22 March 2012

I Really Should Save This One For April 1st...

A new permanent travellers’ site will be funded by its nomadic visitors, council chiefs have confirmed.

Brighton and Hove City Council’s Green administration has agreed that 16 pitches should be built at Horsdean in Patcham.

After questioning from opposition councillors at a meeting on Thursday it was confirmed the upkeep for the permanent site will hopefully be covered by rents and council tax contributions from the groups.
I see they left themselves a get-out clause with the '


  1. takeoffs from the local porcine aviation facility...

  2. "Permanent" - "Traveller"

    I must be missing something here?

  3. Dick Puddlecote @ 14.46 said:

    'My family come from a proud gypsy heritage, catholic and honest.'

    I remember them Dick. Every year, in a remote corner of Canford Heath, a Gypsy family would arrive with their caravan and spend the summer collecting what they could, and recycle it for a few shillings.

    A lovely shire horse, violin music, a beautifully painted van with a small chimney on top. A husband, his wife and two children - whom I would play with. That was part of my childhood in the 1960's.

    They were Gypsy folk, who travelled the West Country.


  4. Begone, troll! Take your feeble impersonations elsewhere.

  5. Captain Haddock22 March 2012 at 19:04

    "After questioning from opposition councillors at a meeting on Thursday it was confirmed the upkeep for the permanent site will hopefully be covered by rents and council tax contributions from the groups" ....

    Ha Ha Ha Ha .. what on earth have they been sniffing ???

  6. " takeoffs from the local porcine aviation facility..."


  7. I would accept this more if one of the councillors had said something like, "I am so confident that these put upon people of the international community will pay their way that I will gladly make up any shortfall in their contribution to the local taxpayers." But then I still believe that Elvis Presley is alive and well and stacking trolleys for Tesco in Neasden.
