Thursday 22 March 2012

I've Got A Simple Answer For Him....

...not sure he'd like it though:
Steve John, in mitigation, said his client was a "simple man who looked for simple answers" and was in a long-term acrimonious relationship. On the day in question the couple had broken up.

Mr John said: "He was running and kicking the door more out of protest than anything else."
And it's just pure misfortune that the police officer happened to be in the way of his foot, I suppose?


  1. Captain Haddock22 March 2012 at 10:24

    "Steve John, in mitigation, said his client was a "simple man who looked for simple answers" ..

    Is that code for "Thicker than a whale omelette" ? ..

  2. "kicked a police officer in the cells"

    Oh, that's got to hurt!

  3. "A long-term acrimonious relationship"

    He's obviously a sucker for punishment...

  4. "Is that code for "Thicker than a whale omelette" ? .."

    Yup, I suspect you're right!

    "Oh, that's got to hurt!"

    * chuckle*

    "He's obviously a sucker for punishment..."

    These people's lives are like something out of Dickens.
